[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 162

xeon писал(а) >>

This is an area of expertise as an electrician :-)

The task is incorrect because professional tasks require experience.


>>) Sufficient knowledge of physics at PhD level :)

Richie >>:

Достаточно знаний физики на уровне кандидата наук :)

Unscrewed ?
Mischek писал(а) >>


I knew someone would say that. Turned it around, that's the point.

Richie >>:

Достаточно знаний физики на уровне кандидата наук :)

I don't agree, for example there could be several reasons.

The problem does not say that before the electricians changed the lamp, the lamp was working properly, so there could be faults unrelated to the drunken state of the electricians :-)

Richie >>:

Так я и знал, что кто-то так скажет. Довернули, в том то всё и дело.

spit it out

it's time

xeon писал(а) >>

I don't agree, for example there could be several reasons.

The problem does not say that before the electricians changed the lamp, the lamp was working properly, so there could be faults not related to the drunken state of the electricians :-)

xeon, it's much simpler than that. You've probably noticed yourself that sometimes streetlights behave in the way described above.

But why? The lantern is perfectly serviceable, but, what's wrong?

Let's not forget that the light bulb is just an association to spark the imagination. And the question was: what was in the bottle?
It's not about the light bulb at all. The other thing that is important for trading is to know why the task at hand is not being completed.
Richie >>:

xeon, всё гораздо проще. Вы наверное и сами обратили внимание, что иногда уличные фонари ведут себя описанным выше способом.

Но вот почему? Фонарь полностью исправен, но, что не так?

Switching diagram of a DRL 250 lamp (6):

The lamps are switched into the mains by means of a control gear (starter - regulator). Under normal conditions, a choke is connected in series with the lamp, at very low temperatures (below -25°C) an autotransformer is incorporated in the circuit.

EL lamp, LL choke, C capacitor.

EL lamp, T transformer, C capacitor.


e.g. - t° - ?

xeon писал(а) >>

Switching diagram of a DRL 250 lamp (6):

The lamps are switched into the mains by means of a control gear (starter - regulator). Under normal conditions a choke is connected in series with the lamp, at very low temperatures (below -25°C) an autotransformer is included in the circuit.

EL lamp, LL choke, C capacitor.

EL lamp, T transformer, C capacitor.


e.g. - t° - ?

The first scheme is correct, it is used to assemble most of the RCU, RTU, PSP luminaires, etc.

Second one, I have never seen. It's not about ambient temperature.

xeon, you are going the right way but in the wrong direction.