[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 148

Yurixx >>:

То есть вы утверждаете, что до Большого Взрыва не было не только материи-энергии, но и пространства-времени ?

И что такое "наша реальность" - просто чтобы понятно было о чем вы говорите ? Чтобы понимать друг друга давайте сразу объяснять понятия, которые используются. Иначе будет разговор немого с глухим.

It's not my claim, but I agree with it.

About reality. Well, to avoid going to the yellow house, let's keep it simple. Reality is what we can do:

1. feel, measure, describe, calculate.

n+1. Extrapolate from (n, where n >=1)

Even simple notions such as infinitesimal (large), for example, are the result of the functional limitations of the previous items. They cannot be described/measured/whatever. Their existence is necessary, but inaccessible to perception.

Mathemat >>:

Третий раз: sanyooooook, вершина, в которой сходятся -1, +5, -4, правильная? Я правильно мыслю или нет?

I don't know the answer to this problem, I knew it, but I lost it, so I decided to ask it here, how to number this damn anthill so that the number of ants coming to the edge equals the number of ants leaving it.


Now it's finally clear. Let's think about it. Does the problem have a solution - or don't you know that either?

Actually, it doesn't matter if it does or doesn't. Even if it doesn't, you still have to prove it.

Mathemat >>:

Теперь наконец-то ясно. Подумаем. Задача имеет решение - или и этого ты не знаешь?

I found the solution, the problem was set in one of the issues of "Science and Life" (somewhere between 1995-1999), dug through almost the entire archive of this magazine, but could not find it,


Did you find it out of the blue or systematically?

Mathemat >>:

Ты его нашел от балды или систематически?

(I have been doing it scientifically, but for three years))

sanyooooook >>:

методом научного тыка, но в течении трех лет)))

But it worked when I started going through all kinds of expressions (addition and subtraction) with numbers from 1 to 12, then I drew a table and something else


That's creepy. Took me three years, poor guy.

Let's think about it, it's an interesting problem.

It's basically an integer problem with 8 equations and 12 unknowns.

Mathemat >>:

Жуть. Три года мучился, бедный.

Подумаем, задачка любопытная.

В принципе получается целочисленная задача с 8 уравнениями и 12 неизвестными.

I also thought about it, but couldn't imagine it and dismissed it as: not feasible for me ))

vegetate писал(а) >>

I'm not saying that, but I agree with it.

Well, I agree with that, too. But that means that there was no primacy - it couldn't have been in "nowhere" and "never". If there is no matter-energy or space-time, there is no primacy either. And this is way beyond materialism, as it raises the fair question "so where did everything come from if there was nothing at all ?".

vegetate wrote >>.

About reality. Well, not to go to the yellow house, let's describe it more simply. Reality is what we can:

>> feel.

This is already quite enough to understand what we are talking about. It could also be interpreted that "our reality" began after the BV in the same space-time in which primateria existed and other material realities before it.