Out of sporting interest, I engaged in adaptive quote filtering - page 18


Went to that lab today. Met everyone. Saw the whole thing, took part in the experiment. All my theoretical speculations and hypotheses about the nature of the asymmetric capacitor were confirmed. The experiment confirmed it. Tomorrow I will start to prepare an experiment for my cell design.

By the way, the boys are quite aware of the dangers of their situation.

A guy came in today. The owner of an internet video channel. Told me something that... Anyway, instant relocation already exists. It's based on destroying or expanding space. Ours invented it. So it's a passive object. Unlike active missiles. The other day a space rocket was launched from the yard of a house in the Moscow region with the speed of light. It simply disappeared from the launch pad at the moment of launch. Of the group that was working on it, eight people have already been killed.


It would be stupid if "NOT ours" (the Americans or Chinese there) would launch it from a backyard in the suburbs. It is naive to think that this is not also known in other states, as long as the "bushmen" are doing it. The question is different.

Murder of the murdered (if it is not a self-hypnosis of the narrators of course) - good for mankind in general, or ...One cannot narrowly evaluate such things (well, in our case just to build up a lot of independent points of view). Give a will, in times of last centuries it was possible (as the authors themselves declare) to destroy the earth on roots because the invention of technologies is ahead of the average by people level growth (quality) of consciousness, technologies are invented by units the number of which is always much less than the average person, and the quality of consciousness of people is on average more inert and comes to everything much later (although I do not dispute in last centuries this delta is reduced by big steps). So, these technologies are dangerous in unstable minds, even in childhood they take away a knife from a child until he grows up. And they look after such people all the time, a sort of mechanism of self-defence from self-destruction, or self-regulation. If we put aside emotions on an interdepartmental level and judge humans as a gene pool as a whole, and its preservation.

By the way, no one has cancelled the problem of overpopulation, given favourable and EQUAL living conditions with crap democracy and humanism, it is still a problem. And it cannot be solved humanely, there is either a large local subset of mortification by small masses of people, but natural and provoked, no matter by wars, or by other indirect means, and for that the multistate structure of the planet ironclad is the best possible way, much is fed under that sauce, or those wars will sooner or later begin to occur spontaneously, uncontrollably and on a larger scale.

It is not enough to be a Kulibin, one has to understand the full burden of responsibility from the consequences of what has been invented. The atomic bomb, too, was first developed for scientific purposes, but it did go off, and more than once.

During last 50 years the mankind jumped from horse transport and steam engines to you know what technologies, with appearance of computers, and the level of technologies / time of their achievement - is growing rapidly.

By the way, the oil "conspiracy" could be considered more broadly.

By the way, even OPEC permitted to increase the level of oil production, though it prevented it earlier due to exhaustion of global reserves in forecast of future. Are there more reserves now? They will not appear for such a long time, it's a process of life of more than one religion)))... and they are not idiots sitting there, without future technologies to mindlessly waste the world's raw materials resources.

Naturally, this cannot be contained for long, because, as I said, the quality of people's consciousness is growing faster than in past centuries, so more and more craftsmen will emerge, until it cannot be erased. In the meantime, every country seems to have resources and is preparing the ground for the transition to new technologies, by dumping the last century-oil, over the border.


There's: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Couldn't sleep once I started watching. Very impressed, thanks for sharing!

I'm a zero without a stick myself and it's elementary to un/convince me of anything. But got interested. I'll follow more of your links and read the articles.


Went to that lab today. Met everyone. Saw the whole thing, took part in the experiment. All my theoretical speculations and hypotheses about the nature of the nonsymmetric capacitor were confirmed. The experiment confirmed it. Tomorrow I will start to prepare an experiment for my cell design.

By the way, the boys are quite aware of the dangers of their situation.

A guy came in today. The owner of an internet video channel. Told me something that... Anyway, instant relocation already exists. It's based on destroying or expanding space. Ours invented it. So it's a passive object. Unlike active missiles. The other day a space rocket was launched from the yard of a house in the Moscow region with the speed of light. It simply disappeared from the launch pad at the moment of launch. Of the group that was working on it, eight people have already been killed.

The information about murders does not seem to be illogical, but it does not fit fully into my primitive worldview yet. I understand it with my mind, but I can't believe it yet. Because I am not yet a supporter of conspiracy theories, although I believe some of them are logically constructed. Indeed, many people's worldviews change when they are confronted with something out of the ordinary, such as the events in Ukraine.
The information about the murders does not seem illogical, but it does not fit my primitive worldview yet. I understand it with my mind, but I can't believe it yet. Because I am not yet a supporter of conspiracy theories, although I believe some of them are logically constructed. Indeed, many people's worldviews change when they are confronted with something out of the ordinary, such as the events in Ukraine.

I don't mean to be pushy, but...

Do you have a car? If not, do you have a flat? The car is definitely alarmed, but do you lock the flat? What for? Have you seen these thieves yourself? All this fiction on TV about thieves to buy locks and alarms. There are no thieves! It's all conspiracy theory and conspiracy theories!

Don't you understand that if there is something to steal from you, there is something to steal from the country and its people. What is more, it is not the resources themselves that are being stolen now. Resources are trifles. Now they are stealing our life, our future, the future of our race until its complete destruction. There are forces that hate us until they exterminate us with their own hands. This is why we are not taught history. So they don't see the analogies. Every time we fall on the same rake. Those forces are not very inventive. But they're very tenacious. For hundreds of millions of years, the same thing.

Here, download and read. I've never read anything like it. I have not yet seen such a deep analysis based on real publicly available facts and artefacts. All these "conspiracies" are exposed there and the single essence is shown. At the same time you will learn the real history. Learn to distinguish historical falsification. It teaches you to do this too.

There is a website that traces the biographies of famous inventors. They all have the same ending. After the patent was sold, the inventor died. Or rather, killed in various ways. There are hundreds of fates on there. But this is all conspiracy and conspiracy theory.


After reading this, I realised that digital filtering doesn't exist.

I also realised that quotes don't exist either.


Went to that lab today. Met everyone. Saw the whole thing, took part in the experiment. All my theoretical speculations and hypotheses about the nature of the nonsymmetric capacitor were confirmed. The experiment confirmed it. Tomorrow I will start to prepare an experiment for my cell design.

By the way, the boys are quite aware of the dangers of their situation.

A guy came in today. The owner of an internet video channel. Told me something that... Anyway, instant relocation already exists. It's based on destroying or expanding space. Ours invented it. So it's a passive object. Unlike active missiles. The other day a space rocket was launched from the yard of a house in the Moscow region with the speed of light. It simply disappeared from the launch pad at the moment of launch. Of the group that was working on it, eight people have already been killed.

Aaaaaaaa?! O_o ?!?@?!?!?
this is what maths does to people

Went to that lab today. Met everyone. Saw everything and took part in the experiment. All my theoretical conjectures and hypotheses about the nature of non-symmetric capacitor were confirmed. The experiment confirmed it. Tomorrow I will start to prepare an experiment for my cell design.

By the way, the boys are quite aware of the danger of their situation.

A guy came in today. The owner of an internet video channel. Told me something that... Anyway, instant relocation already exists. It's based on destroying or expanding space. Ours invented it. So it's a passive object. Unlike active missiles. The other day a space rocket was launched from the yard of a house in the Moscow region with the speed of light. It simply disappeared from the launch pad at the moment of launch. Of the group that was working on the subject, eight people have already been killed.

I'll be honest, I was impressed with the film, too. But it leaves a lot of questions.... First of all, what's the point of the bar? It's there for a reason. If moving is possible ONLY with the help of this bar, then it's bullshit at once.....

Secondly. They showed models that are so cheap that it is ridiculous. The cost of the model 100 rubles and it's in the shop. What they propose to use ceramic, well, it can be bought. Okay, not super duper ceramic, but simpler. Everyone knows that electric fuses use ceramics because it has higher resistance than air. Sootvetstvenno question, really, these scientists could not spend 2-3 thousand rubles, take the materials that are available and make a model that can lift 10 kg from the floor. At the end of the film, I realized that it was not a problem for them. Even if it was on a wire.... That would be a presentation. While showing a device for 100 rubles, naming the parameters of another device, supposedly capable of lifting tons at the market price of materials in the 2-3 thousand rubles and asking for financial support ... That's weird!!!!! Open the harmonica, sell the goods.... Not this crap.... Excuse me. And with a model weight of 15 grams they were spending 30 watts of power. Not at all the numbers they were announcing..... Like one watt one gram.....