Out of sporting interest, I engaged in adaptive quote filtering - page 17

Are you a troll? Or is your head a mess?

It came down to trivial insults, which is to be expected...I have the honour.

PS. Although you don't deserve it.


I recommend watching the video first and only then drawing conclusions. Otherwise, it's not seen, don't know, but have an opinion.

This Patriot looks like Valera. The 117 is his clone.


From here:

Moving down from the reference point gives the 'time length', i.e. the time during which a particular change in a dimensionless quantity occurs. In the simplest case of an oscillatory or rotational motion, this is the period. Considering their time as independent of direction of motion, we can limit ourselves to "time length", which together with isotropic three-dimensional space forms four-dimensional space - time, familiar to all of us from textbooks. But there may be more complex cases. For example, two mutually perpendicular pendulums attached together will give different readings depending on direction of acceleration. To account for this circumstance, a notion of "time area" is required. By adding a third pendulum, perpendicular to the first two, a notion of "temporal volume" must be introduced. <br / translate="no">

The table of the laws of nature is there too. For seekers this is enough. For those who think you can't see into the future, you don't have to read it. They won't understand anything anyway.

There's more.

I've watched the video....It's quite interesting. The only thing that surprises me is that it's supposed to be a cheap model. Okay, they found a 100-micron thread. They should have used the maximum amount of ceramic they could get. Cut out these sheets carefully and make a model that lifts at least tens of kilograms, not tons. Even on a wire. That would be more convincing...
Isn't what Emil is talking about prompting anything? It's about the very laws that modern Jewish science ignores. For a reason. We, after all, are in the business of mastering the most powerful kike weapon here.
Isn't what Emil is talking about prompting anything? It's about the very laws that modern Jewish science ignores. For a reason. We are in the business of mastering the most powerful kike weapon here.
We're just humbly joining in. To the world's treasury.

Physics doesn't work. There is a currency market here. Price has no inertia, as tranches (selling/buying in several stages) are not considered in forex...

The currency market is here. The price depends on what is currently bought or sold. Before they sell - the price goes up, before they buy - the price goes down. Any price conversion filter for the purpose of prediction is a futile exercise.

What is price? It is the opinion of the crowd about an asset. It is more abstract. Even when the price of an asset is clearly overvalued there remain those who buy it in the hope of growth, right? Now look carefully at the chart, neither a top nor a base is formed all at once. First there is a slowdown, then the market turns around. Most people's opinion changes gradually.

Answered the same:

Is the derivative a regression?


It's not so clear-cut about PF either. PF can and should be used. Just not in the way one is used to.

I even posted a video of filter, where lines of spectrum were drawn, which was calculated on the basis of PF. Nowhere was anything repeated there.

OK, the derivative can be derived directly from the formula of the original series. The market has no formula. But. The derivative is the instantaneous rate i.e. delta x tends to 0. If I understand you correctly, you have not said anything new. It is possible to find not the derivative but the Momentum. Let's find the change in the function in one discrete interval. From the value of the current bar we will subtract the value of the previous bar. And we will plot the graph based on those values. And this chart will unfold earlier than the indicator. Have I understood you correctly?
OK, the derivative can be derived directly from the formula of the original series. The market has no formula. But. The derivative is the instantaneous rate i.e. delta x tends to 0. If I understand you correctly, you have not said anything new. It is possible to find not the derivative but the Momentum. Let's find the change in the function in one discrete interval. From the value of the current bar we will subtract the value of the previous bar. And we will plot the graph based on those values. And this chart will unfold earlier than the indicator. Have I understood you correctly?

Wrong. I have already written several times what should be done.

However, try it first. It does not take long to implement it in MQL. It probably will not work.

The market has a formula. And it is arithmetic. I managed to build an Expert Advisor that uses this formula to open trades on every bar according to the opening price. The result: profit == loss. It was tested without spread. Unfortunately, the experiments had to be terminated because of migration to a new MQL. In future one should introduce logical corrections into the formula to get a positive difference. This is also spectral analysis, but a different subject. It was just interesting to see what happens.


Moving down from the reference point gives the 'time length', i.e. the time during which a particular change in a dimensionless quantity occurs. In the simplest case of an oscillatory or rotational motion, this is the period. Considering their time as independent of direction of motion, we can limit ourselves to "time length", which together with isotropic three-dimensional space forms four-dimensional space - time, familiar to all of us from textbooks. But there may be more complex cases. For example, two mutually perpendicular pendulums attached together will give different readings depending on direction of acceleration. To account for this circumstance, a notion of "time area" is required. By adding a third pendulum, perpendicular to the first two, the notion of "temporal volume" must be introduced.

I read this and remembered about the complex time ataman

etc. etc..... but finally, it all leads to the adoption of a two-dimensional time model for a complex system like the Biosphere or the Stock Market... Either way, it isnot a Markovian process in its fundamentals, which is why you have unsuccessfully "tried", IMHO.

Biological time, its organisation, hierarchy and representation by means of complex quantities