Out of sporting interest, I engaged in adaptive quote filtering - page 4

And in general, as a result of inappropriate use and irrepressible advertising, the term 'adaptive' itself is somewhat discredited here on the forum, unfortunately...
avtomat >>:
А вообще, в результате неуместного использования и неуёмной рекламы, сам термин "адаптивный" здесь на форуме несколько дискредитирован, к сожалению...

What does a non-"discredited" understanding of the term "adaptive" look like?

avtomat >>:

So what? :) For example - adaptive filtering Makes a spectrum, it's an adaptive mechanism, then this spectrum is sent by fax, and the operator turns the knobs to adjust the digital filters. What did I say wrong? :)

And the fact that you're trying to show me my "mistake" - this is exactly what it says - that you do not understand what it is AF. :)

It's not me that doesn't work, it's nobody. :)

All - on the third circle we shall not go, more truly we shall go only if for me there will be some compensation for the spent time which would explain to you why it cannot work.

And mind you, I'm not convincing you of anything... I even congratulated you.

But I get it - it works for you! :)

HideYourRichess >>:

А как выглядит не "дискредитированное" понимание термина "адаптивный"?

I can't put it in a nutshell... I start from the way the term is understood in automatic control theory -- adaptive systems is a large scientific field involving several scientific schools. There are several definitions of adaptive systems, using different formalisms. But in the most general terms, we can say this: Adaptation is the ability of a system to adapt to changing conditions in the environment and to its internal changes, which leads to an increase in the efficiency of the system.

SProgrammer >>:

... пытаетесь указать на мою "ошибку" ...

I didn't think there would be such a reaction...

avtomat >>:

вот уж не думал, что последует такая реакция...

Want some advice - if you're doing AF in relation to price time series, give it up. And read, I gave a link there - about MESU, have you read it?

Why such an active desire to err, observed by some? Understand usually when they say that something I tried nothing and do not think that no one can get, I'm not talking, this is an example - then it means that 90% of the time it is probably true. If they do not say anything, it is more likely that it will work.)

You do realise that this is money, not sport and not science. :)

I think each of us will be left with our own understanding. And that concludes the debate.
avtomat >>:
И на этом закончим прения.

That's right, or else the topic will be deleted

avtomat >>:
я думаю, что каждый из нас останется со своим пониманием. И на этом закончим прения.

:))) What do you have to do with yours? Are you with the money earned through AF today?

As for the debate, you don't have any. You don't understand AF. And you don't understand that the number of copies that have been broken is enormous. You don't seem to have broken any. You are just reasoning in the abstract, but regularly, like a parrot repeating here on the forum - AF is cool. :) Well, I just do not understand, let it be cool, but so what is it to you? Showmani. :)

SProgrammer >>:

:))) Причем при своем? Вы при деньгах заработанных с помощью АФ нонче?

Что каксается прений, то и их у вас нет. Вы не понимаете суть АФ. И не понимаете, что то количество копий которое было сломанно огромно. Вы же похоже ни сломали ни одного. Вы только рассуждатете абстрактно, но регулярно, как попугай повторяя тут на форуме - АФ это круто. :) Ну я только не понимаю, ну пусть круто, но вам то что с того ? Шоумимани. :)

Well... since you won't allow a man to deal with the subject of AF, would you be so kind, sir, as to post the finished recipe ...so that he doesn't waste his personal time, since it annoys you so much? I see nothing but annoyance.