Taxes - page 10

kombat >>:

С чего такое взято? да и ещё 80% ???

и откель вопросы то...

If your planned expenses are less than your unplanned ones, good for you :)

BARS >>:

Если у тебя плановые расходы меньше внеплановых, рад за тебя :)

I'm beginning to understand less and less about economic maths.

could you elaborate a bit more for the tank man?


kombat >>:

всё меньше и меньше начинаю понимать зкономическую математику

а можно чуток подробней для танкиста?


"The hatch opens, - Comrade Commander, you won't believe it, the hat is talking" :)))

Here's your "Income from decels to pay for all uncontrollable expenses" and figure out what they are with the controllable ones :)

BARS >>:

" Открываеться люк, - Товарищь камандира, не поверишь, шапка разговаривает" (с) :))

Вот возьми свои "Доходом с децелок оплачивать все неконтролируемые расходы" и прикинь - каковы они с контролируемыми :)

Ahh... Well...

Well, I didn't realize (even!) that someone has more expenses for internet, mobile phone and city lights

more than everything else.


If so, my sincere apologies for getting lost.

forexigrok >>:

Найдите кухню, чтоб была налоговым агентом и не парьтесь...

Well, let's say I found such a kitchen. Would they pay the tax for me themselves? Or will I still have to run to the tax office? Would Sberbank be suitable as such a kitchen? I understand that the bank sucks, but in my village it is the best bank.
Slavick >>:

Ну допустим, нашел такую кухню. И что, они сами будут налог за меня платить? Или все равно надо будет в налоговую бегать? А Сбербанк пойдет в качестве такой кухни? Понимаю, банк отстойный, но в моей деревне это самый лучший банк.

Personal income taxagent

All Russian organisations, individual entrepreneurs and notaries engaged in private practice, lawyers who have set up law offices as well as separate subdivisions of foreign organisations in Russia may act as personal income tax agents.This is the case if the taxpayer receives income from them. These firms must calculate, withhold and pay the necessary amount of tax as prescribed by Article 224 of the Russian Tax Code.

The tax is payable on all income of the taxpayer from which the tax agent is the source. The exceptions are those specified in Articles 214.1, 227 and 228 of the Russian Tax Code.

PIT is calculated on an accrual basis from the beginning of the tax period based on the results of each month. However, amounts of tax withheld in previous months must also be counted. Keep in mind that the tax is calculated without taking into account income from other agents. They make their own deductions.

The amount of tax cannot exceed 50% of the income. If it is not possible to withhold the due payments, the agent must notify the inspectorate in writing within one month, and also notify the tax authority of the amount of personal income tax owed.

Tax agents are instructed to remit tax amounts as soon as cash for the payment of income has been received in a bank and transferred to the recipients' accounts. This must be done on the same day. However, in some cases, a delay of no more than 24 hours is acceptable.

Please note that personal income tax must be remitted to the agent's place of account, not to the taxpayer. If amounts of this tax are calculated for separate subdivisions, they must be remitted to the budget of the relevant region.

Slavick писал(а) >>

Well, let's say I have found such a kitchen. Will they pay the tax for me? Or I will still have to go to tax office? Will Sberbank work as such a kitchen? I understand that the bank sucks, but in my village it is the best bank.

I don't remember any tax agent kitchens, and Sberbank does not give access to forex...

or have I fallen behind in my life?

In this case, taxes will not be a problem for you, and you will not have to worry about them.

You don't have any problems with taxes in this case, because there is no profit...

beruk >>:

неприпомню ни одной кухни-налогового агента, да и сбербанк не дает доступа на форекс...

или я отстал от жизни?!

способы уплаты налогов надо продумывать на будущее, а если счет небольшой и опыта заработка на форекс нет - можно не париться!

в данном случае с налогами не возникнет никаких проблем, ибо не будет прибыли...

There are no profits yet. There are only losses, albeit not big ones. I'm asking for the future.

For the future, we can plan as follows:

1. while the amount on the account is small: work through the dtC, while there is no profit or the withdrawal from the account is small - we do not pay taxes.

In extreme cases, with the amount that enters the Russian Federation, the brokerage company writes in the transfer "withdrawal of unused (personal) funds"; in short, you will definitely need a paper to cover yourself!

2. if the amount increases: afraid to keep the money in the brokerage house or withdrawal above a good salary - go to a broker and pay as expected - from the annual profit.

3. if the money is good - go back to the offshore, to your company, but you have your own problems there....

Eh, if only we could live up to these whys.... :-))


Well, that's pretty much it...


paragraph 2 is not a broker but a dealer in a white bank

(Otherwise, inexperienced traders may scratch their legs in search of a Forex broker :)))

and the addition:

Point 3 does not have to be offshore, you can also trade in your AO

It is true that there is a tax... but honestly...