Taxes - page 8

Blessed is he who believes.
Slavick писал(а) >>
My question is a bit off-topic in MQL, sorry. Do I have to pay taxes from my earnings on FOREX? If yes, how much and what do I have to do? Is it possible not to pay, how to do it and what may result? What about the trader's losses when calculating tax?

Find a kitchen to be a tax agent and don't sweat it...

Please make it clearer, if you can give an example.
Slavick писал(а) >>
I'm not sure how much you can do with them.

They're a bank of the Russian Federation! And they've got a nice kitchen... and they are a tax agent and are more reliable than the DTs.

If you trade with your hands, any bank with MT4 will do - their stuff is 3-5 and they are more reliable than DTs.

If you trade with your hands, any bank with MT4 will do - there are about 3-5 of them.

I wonder if I withdraw my card from an overseas bank at ATMs.
joo >>:
Интересно, а если снимать с карты забугорного банка в банкоматах?

Same as with domestic, i.e. transactions are traceable as such.

Just consider the limits of both the card and the ATM.

The transaction limit is approximately 12000r. + daily and monthly limits.

Well, and withdrawal fees accordingly...

At one time there were noname cards recharged via EPS, but I do not know of any at present.

Bank of Russia is the only tax agent with MT4 so far, and it is not Trust.

kombat писал(а) >>

Rf Bank is the only tax agent with MT4 so far, and it's not Trust.

wow! how to live... I had hoped things would only change for the better.

As for transfers, whether to a card or an account, it does not matter. you will still have a trace, but if the amount is small, no one will be interested in you.

In the worst case, they will demand payment of taxes - then you have to pay them.

Small amounts are up to 49,000 USD a month (subjective, from sketchy information found on the Internet).

beruk >>:

вах! как дальше жить... я надеялся все будет меняться только к лучьшему.

One can continue to hope...

There is already a demand for mt5 among banks. Waiting.

However, one bank instead of "nothing" is also nothing...

kombat писал(а) >>

One can continue to hope...

There is already a demand for mt5 among banks. Waiting.

However, one bank instead of "nothing" is also nothing...

:-))) I don't know what is worse for the mechanical trading - rollovers or MT5!

beruk >>:

:-))) даже незнаю что хуже для механической торговли - ролловеры или МТ5!

There is a good remedy: intraday
