Taxes - page 6

Sta2066 >>:

Так сразу бы и рассказали...

Подробней . Типа беру справку в Д Ц и т.д.Ведь об этом просят.

I was referring to the 'classification' of the 'game' type.


If the brokerage company is a "gambling" broker, you can be charged 35%.

The option described on their website is just the option with the broker, when tax is paid on the profit on the account.

The option described there with the withdrawal to a bank account - that, supposedly, as a taxable base you can show the balance of a bank account - is deceitful, or even outright lies...

beruk >>:

если дц "игровой" можно влететь и на 35%.


Don't bullshit people...

There are no "gaming" DCs.


MANFIN OF JUNE 23, 2005 N 03-03-04/2/12

The Department of fiscal and custom-tariff policy has considered a letter regarding taxation of FOREX market transactions in foreign currency and states the following.
All operations with currency on the FOREX market are exchange games.
According to the civil legislation games and betting
are recognized as circumstances, which cannot give rise to rights and obligations of the parties.
Exchange-traded games, as a type of games and bets, are classified by civil law as risky (aleatoric) transactions carried out by participants at their own risk. According to Article 1062 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation participants in games and betting are not liable to judicial protection.
Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not contain special provisions regulating taxation of the results of exchange-traded games and betting. Accordingly, a negative result of exchange-traded games cannot be recognised as an expense for profit taxation purposes.
A positive result (income) is included in non-operating income which increases the tax base.

Deputy Director of the
Department of Tax
and Customs and Tariff Policy

As far as I remember the tax on winnings is 35%, while different tax authorities treat "Forex tax" differently!

The important thing is how your tax office will look at it and it's up to them to decide the last word.

rather naive to hope for advice from tax officials, laws and courts - even if all goes well you will pay a lot of money to the treasury, run through the instances, frayed nerves, litigate a couple of times - YOU NEED IT!!!!.

If you go to the tax office - then how do you enter the market! There should be a system, laid out a lorryload of loot, a plan of action in certain situations, all the holes covered with papers, all questions asked to professionals - otherwise you will get a big fucking loss!


So as not to argue about this letter,

go to any bank in the Russian Federation to find out

what they base their tax calculations on...


This will be more useful information for the brain.


I would like to hear from the head of the transport department....?

kombat писал(а) >>

So as not to argue about this letter,

go to any bank in the Russian Federation to find out

what they base their tax calculations on...


This will be more useful information for your brain.

it does not matter! Do you think they are calculating it correctly? - no!

the question is: no matter how the bank account is set up to work in the forex market, you receive a MATERIAL Gain on which you have to pay.

1. the banks are balancing profits/losses - and until recently this was wrong.

2. the banks hide your profits in a, let's call it, "virtual" account (I think it was called a gambling account or an investment account)

The bank, as a tax agent, is not responsible for anything, the taxpayer is responsible for everything!

kombat писал(а) >>

There are no "gambling" brokerage houses.

If you have opened a transaction and then were able to close it within 30 seconds, then you can be sure that no forex money was withdrawn to any forex company to avoid accusations of fraud.

Who has read the full list of their brokerage company? Except that it was founded in 199_ and is the leading one .....

But this is about me. If you work directly through a bank with a minimum deposit of 100K....then we have different problems.

beruk писал(а) >>

It doesn't matter! Do you think they're calculating it correctly? - No!

Regardless of how the bank account is organised for forex work, you get a MATERIAL BENEFIT on which you have to pay.

1. the banks are balancing profits/losses - and until recently this was wrong.

2. the banks hide your profits in a, let's call it, "virtual" account (I think it was called a gambling account or an investment account)

3. the bank, as a tax agent, is not responsible for anything, the taxpayer is responsible for everything! no matter what taxes are calculated and transferred for him by the tax agent.

How old are you, my friend?

Sta2066 >>:

Если вы открыли сделку,а потом в течении 30 сек смогли ее закрыть,то можете быть уверены,что ни на какой forex деньги не выводились.Что бы избежать обвинения в мошенничестве компания принимает ставки.

Кто читал полный перечень деятельности своего ДЦ?Кроме,основана 199_ г и является ведущей ....

Но это о себе . Если вы работаете напрямую через банк с минимальным депо 100К....


I'll tell you more, no customer transaction at all goes anywhere.

Why? Because it's a dealer's market and the client only "fucks around" with the dealer.

(What the dealer does is up to him, the dealer's business).

This is the end of the lesson and if you allow us to continue the tax theme ...