Taxes - page 4


Read in the TC what material benefit is: it does not apply to the DC account.

And the date of receipt of income under the TC is the date of transfer to a bank account. A DC account is not a bank account.

alsu >>:

можно распечатать им договор публичной оферты. Пущай читають

It's only for transportation...

It's not enough for the tax authorities.


The tax office is a bad joke. don't think you can come in and pay 1,000 rubles in taxes and wave some papers at them.

The trick is that they are completely illiterate and everyone assesses the situation differently, the truth is always on their side.

The trick is that they are completely illiterate, everyone assesses the situation differently, the truth is always on their side, suing is expensive, and, as a result, you can go to jail for an extra underpaid thousand..... Well, they might not, but they will get so nervous that you will regret your civic responsibility...


You just have to treat it as an annoying but unavoidable evil. In the main, it is not you who will be chasing them, but they will be chasing you. If they send you a demand, read it, check it, if you don't agree, respond by registered letter, let them recalculate it, if they get into a rut, write to a higher authority, they will take another three or four months and if they decide that it is worth the trouble, they will send you another demand. Then, if you still do not agree, you write further, then we go to court and so on. According to statistics, the tax office lost more than 95 percent of all cases in court because of the total illiteracy of the staff (the same incidentally applies to customs and financial oversight). If you know a lawyer, you can agree and paste them then the bill for 300-400 thousand for reimbursement of court costs. After the first time, their interest in you will most likely subside.

And if the account in the bank, then you are directly subject to the above changes in the Tax Code - the account is usually opened separately for the trade, an extract from it and you can always take the contract, so that the tax office will be required to take into account all the losses in the calculation of the tax base.

If you are really pressed for time, you can try asking a question in the relevant section of the FTS website, where people are more literate and answer quite quickly. The answer will be official, with a number and date, and with this piece of paper you can now go and challenge them seriously - the tax authorities are more willing to listen to their superiors' opinions.
a word of advice: find an "approach" at a webmoney office and work unofficially with it)))))) and the money does not show up anywhere, and you cash it out with a 3-5% loss...
basile >>:
совет-найти "подход" в конторе вебмани,и работать с ней неофициально))))))и деньги нигде не светяться,и обналичиваешь с 3-5% потерей...

if you withdraw directly from your personal account to the bank (account, card), then the bank will show the receipt and it will be written there-money received as a result of securities trading-at the end of the year you have to take a slip and go to the bank to pay the state 13%))))))) and the tax office can start charging 35% (but only brokers pay), while we need to emphasize the additional income....

basile >>:

если сразу из личного кабинета выводишь на банк(счет,карточка) то в банке приход и там написанно-денежки полученные в результате торговли ценными бумагами-в крнце года придется брать в банке бумажечку и пойти отдать любимому государству 13%)))))))а в налоговой могут еще начать качать на 35%(но это только брокеры платят),а нам надо упирать на доп доход....

Well yes, webmoney, or "electronic cheque to bearer" as they themselves call it, is a bill of exchange, i.e. a security. The tax is 13%, unless of course you have a broker's licence:))

alsu >>:

ну да, вебмани, или "электронный чек на предъявителя", как они сами его называют, есть вексель, т.е. ценная бумага. Налог 13%, если, конечно, у вас нет лицензии брокера:))

There is a much simpler option...

Use WMZ instead of WMR, and withdraw them through a shell company.

Not a very good option, and costly and quite dangerous...

Then either in an overseas bank and there to the plastic, or the plastic VM.

But also expensive...

Costs are comparable to taxes when working honestly in a bank.

Yes! And using plastic does not really hide the owner.

kombat >>:

Есть гораздо проще вариант...

It is, as you quite rightly pointed out, bank dealing :))