Mashki and I. Captured by illusion... - page 5


That's the end of the story.

The experiment is on the whole a success. Sorento for the home-made 5 minus (for lack of Out of Sample).

For artistry, of course, 5+ :)


Thanks to all the panellists.

The most suspicious thing is that we are now in the range of the algorithm. :o)))

Let's test it.

NB. "Top 33" is the current, known extremum of the zigzag...


MetaDriver >>:

Вапче можно и подытожить на этом.

"It's not over yet" - 010101 ;)

"Wei Ji."

MetaDriver >>:

Статистика как раз самообман. Наука в данном случае контекстуализация (то бишь уточнение условий).

Яростные опоненты жмутца по углам.

It looks like an ordinary optimisation a la tester, honestly done by an alternative method.

P.S. I mean, there's not much to take apart.

Candid >>:

Смахивает на обычную оптимизацию а ля тестер, честно выполненную альтернативным методом.

P.S. В смысле разбирать особо нечего.

I agree. 100%. But what visibility!

MetaDriver >>:

Согласен. 100%. Зато какая наглядность!

The brute force method seems to have been left out, only the result is presented. However, I didn't get into it all the way to the end.

Sorento писал(а) >>

I once said (with a clever look) - let's see how the price behaves around the moving average?

What if it's normally distributed in a trend and flat, and when there are reversals the characteristics change...

"Come on" - say the gurus (apparently knowing the answer:)...

That's how I got there.

For me the key is "and at reversals the characteristics change...". No one mentioned that when you make a U-turn, it changes

frequency of the waveform, but that may not be as important as the phase of the waveform changing - after all, it is a dual-characteristic filter.

Candid >>:

Метод перебора вроде за кадром остался, представлен только итог. Впрочем я до конца не вникал.

Yeah, I didn't get it either. I suspect there wasn't even one. That is, there was no enumeration of phase coordinates. A particular pair was taken and extrema were found in it.

Sorry if I missed something.

Sorento >>:

1) Ищем по модулю расстояния между машками MaV_MaS. (200 и 15)

2) если оно меньше 10 пунктов, и последняя вершина 33 выше текущей цены не менее 25 пунктов - смело продавайте.

если последняя вершина 33 ниже текущей цены не менее 25 пунктов - смело покупайте.

Стоплоссы = 125 пунктов, ТР =600 пунктов ;)

Here the specific values for two parameters are named, how they (values) were determined (by direct search, manually from the diagram, somehow calculated) is not declared.

Indication of SL and TP values at all suggests that the tester already was, as correctly calculating their optimum values is not an easy task, Neutron is just doing it now.

Candid >>:

Здесь названы конкретные значения по двум параметрам, как они (значения) были определены (прямым перебором, вручную по диаграмме, как-то вычислены) не объяняется.

Sorento! Explain, please! (If it's not a secret) I missed it too.