Why is MODE_POINT zero on EURUSD, but everything is OK on USDJPY? Did I miss something new? :)

Also, if not difficult, explain in simple words what is MODE_TICKVALUE.

I've read that this is the size of the minimum change of instrument's price in the deposit currency. But I do not understand the obtained figure.

And one more thing.

If MODE_TICKSIZE is the minimal step of security price change in the quote currency. In other words, it is the value by which the price can change.

If MODE_POINT - it is simply the price of some value in which something is measured.

Both TICK_SIZE and POINT are measured in the currency of the quote. Of course, I can imagine that the minimal change of price may be less than a point.

But what TICKVALUE is, I don't get something. If it is the value of TICKSIZE, then the numbers don't add up.

SProgrammer >>:

Также если не трудно обьясните простыми словами что такое MODE_TICKVALUE.

То что это размер минимального изменения цены инструмента в валюте депо я прочитал. Но полученную цифру ни как не пойму.

There's an opinion on the forum that it's on a one-lot volume. Yeah - haha.

Ok, but why is it that EURUSD MODE_POINT = 0 on my ODL-MT4 Demo account! It's not clear to me.

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

By default, the output is up to 4 significant digits, while 5 is required. Must be preconverted with DoubleToStr();

Vinin >>:

По умолчанию вывод до 4-х значащих знаков, а надо 5. Необходимо предварительно преобразовывать с помощью DoubleToStr();

:) Yeah, right. I had 99 digits to spare. :)

(laughing): Okay! Thank you! (chuckles)


Torturing, torturing... It doesn't fucking add up. :)

I'm sure there's people here who can crack these things like nuts... Explain it to me, if you don't mind.

Calculate MODE_TICKVALUE for USDJPY ( for simplicity)

Using these parameters

ASK = 98.802

BID = 98.78

LOTSIZE = 100000


Deposit currency USD.


Total as I calculate it. But it does not add up. I want to understand why.

Pair k=B/C... B is the base currency, C = is the quote currency, k is the quote itself.



C1 - C2 = TICKSIZE, by definition, the "change of prices of the instrument in the Quote currency. That is, in JPY.

Now to get TICKVALUE this is "Minimum change of instrument price in the currency of deposit", we just need to pass from JPY to USD, because the deposit is in USD. That is, take ASK.

If TICKSIZE = 0.001 and ASK = 98.802 => 0.001/98.802 = 1.0121E-5 we got USD . Now we have to (???) multiply by LOTSIZE = 1E5 => We get 1.0121 ...

Cool, I start the tester and request MODE_TICKVALUE, MODE_ASK, MODE_BID, MODE_TICKSIZE MODE_LOTSIZE, I get


MODE_ASK = 98.802

MODE_BID = 98.78




Where did I go wrong? Please explain. :)

Well, connoisseurs, and just anyone who wants to figure out what's going on, really, tell me.

this is a bit confusing for you...

to get the value of 1.0 lot of USDJPY in the deposit currency, you just need to get the value of MarketInfo("USDJPY",MODE_TICKVALUE)

Why the hassle with bid and aska when it's already available? or am I missing something?

keekkenen >>:

как-то у тебя все запутано..

чтобы получить стоимость 1.0 лота USDJPY в валюте депозита нужно просто получить значение MarketInfo("USDJPY",MODE_TICKVALUE)

зачем какие выкрутасы с асками и бидами когда оно и так доступно ? или я чего-то не понимаю ?

Well, it doesn't count right. :) It's kind of different from the manual calculation. Or I'm counting something wrong.

Why one lot in particular. There'snothing about it in the MODE_TICKVALUE definition.


I lied (confused) about one lot (one item in fact), read here should clarify the situation

keekkenen >>:

про один лот (один пункт на самом деле) это я наврал (спутал), почитай здесь должно прояснить ситуацию

Of course, I read that too.

Could you please calculate theMODE_TICKVALUE

The way you understand it.

Used MODE_TICKVALUE to its fullest extenthere. It works correctly.