Combining multiple indicators in an EA - page 5


avatara, you have a good sense of humour.

Vinin, I once had a "sellable" indicator (I won't advertise it). It really worked, I admit. But not for long,

I started to lose. I had a good idea what to do with it. I removed one of the standard indicators from it. The indicator

...and it's working a lot better. Then I think I should not have taken it out, I should "reverse" the signal. The indicator started working

even better. The whole thing didn't work for long either, but it worked well, I admit. The programmers have a lot of tricks.

The most "funny" one that happened to me was stealing keys with the help of an Expert Advisor. That's why I don't run compiled

I prefer to "compile" them myself.

icas писал(а) >>

They dragged out the specialist... i.e. Vinin. ...And glad...

As for the number of indicators, the more of them, the less drawdowns. And also - the number of trades and profit.

That's because there are less trades... :)))))))

icas >>:

Затянули, все-таки, спеца... т.е. Vinin'а. ...И рады...

Что касается количества индикаторов, то чем их больше - тем меньше просадки. А также - количество сделок и профит.

Mathemat himself at 17:06 has been there!
Richie писал(а) >>

avatara, you have a good sense of humour.

Vinin, I once had a "sellable" indicator (I won't advertise it). It really worked, I admit. But not for long,

I started to lose. I had a good idea what to do with it. I removed one of the standard indicators from it. The indicator

...and it's working a lot better. Then I think I should not have taken it out, I should "reverse" the signal. The indicator started working

even better. The whole thing didn't work for long either, but it worked well, I admit. The programmers have a lot of tricks.

The most "funny" one that happened to me was stealing keys with the help of an Expert Advisor. That's why I don't run compiled

I prefer to "compile" them myself.

I do not run if there is no source, so I never give compiled. I give only source files.

And before I start, I also check source code.

But it is not a gimmick, so I would like to see gimmicks.

Vinin писал(а) >>

I don't run at all if there is no source, and therefore I never give compiled ones. I only give source code.

And before starting I also check the code itself.

But it is not a gimmick, so I would still like to see gimmicks.

I haven't thought about it before. And many beginners, I think, do not think, just copy and run, maybe get lucky,

and they don't know the code, they start programming only after the 2nd or 3rd failed deposit.

The "gimmick" is that I lost money because of it, only when you don't lose it is not a "gimmick".

I wonder how many of those who trade for real have a UPS, a backup OS, an alternative internet line, etc.?

Many don't even think about it.

Richie >>:

Я об этом не думал раньше. И многие начинающие, я думаю, не думают, просто копируют и запускают, может повезёт,

да и код они не знают, начинают заниматься программированием только после 2-го или 3-го слитого депозита.

"Прикол" в том, что я деньги потерял из-за этого, только когда не теряшь - это не "прикол".

Вот интересно, у многих из тех кто торгует на реале есть ИБП, резервная ОС, альтернативная линия интернета и т.п.?

Многие даже не думают об этом.

The funny thing is that what you buy turns out to be in CodeBase

PS And this is not a joke of humour, it's the humour of a programmer's humorous fate.

Richie >>:

Я об этом не думал раньше. И многие начинающие, я думаю, не думают, просто копируют и запускают, может повезёт,

да и код они не знают, начинают заниматься программированием только после 2-го или 3-го слитого депозита.

"Прикол" в том, что я деньги потерял из-за этого, только когда не теряшь - это не "прикол".

Вот интересно, у многих из тех кто торгует на реале есть ИБП, резервная ОС, альтернативная линия интернета и т.п.?

Многие даже не думают об этом.

Power: UPS with diesel in hot standby. At least 2 internet providers from different communication lines. Computer with 2 PSUs, 5th RAID with backup (protocols need to be stored), Firewall...

Richie >>:

2. Нельзя соединять в советнике несколько плохих индикаторов, получится ещё хуже;

There is a Parrondo paradox, but it's not about EAs and indicators...


The Young Michurin Club, my ass. You uneducated little pussies. ))) What kind of "wheatgrass" are you trying to combine/crosslink as a result? Expertise in the court of Emperor Rudolf. Home-grown Faustians. // that's it, calm down...))

Indicators are an analytical tool of TA. If you don't know WHY they are measuring, you start to thoughtlessly combine them, and the result will be corresponding. To begin with you need an idea, what market condition you want to identify, and then comes the selection of analytical tools - indicators.

But in this case... "I added this, took out that... got better... ... got worse..." Have you tried a tambourine dance?

Svinozavr >>:

Клуб юных мичуринцев, блин. Лысенки недоученные. ))) Вы какую "развесистую пшеницу" объединяя/скрещивая хотите в результате получить? Экспертостроение при дворе императора Рудольфа. Фаусты доморощенные. // все, успокоился...)))

Индикаторы - это аналитический инструмент ТА. Если вы, не соображая, ЧЕГО они меряют, начнете их бездумно комбинировать, то и рез-т будет соответствующий. Для начала нужна идея, какое состояние рынка, какие условия вам хочется вычленить, а дальше уже идет подбор аналитических инструментов - индикаторов.

А так... "я это добавил, то-то выкинул... стало лучше... хуже..." С бубном канкан не пробовали?

Well, Peter came along and ruined everything. But in general, he said it right.