Alex5757000 >>:

Давай на ты, а то мне как-то не уютно.


, ты что, думаешь закодировать эксперта - это раз плюнуть? Это не правда.

it's true :) .... coding is not an end in itself..... the goal is a little bit different - to make a profit..... and if, even a little bit, this goal does not coincide with coding - screw it...... but ideas are a bit different .... there are so many of them that no amount of coding would suffice :)))

write in person, because for all this flooding, and my personal, including, as the idea and did not keep track :)))
rider >>:

:)) +10.... фантастически разумно-рандомный пост, кроме шуток

I wanted to bring the "shouting-whistling" under the profitability criterion. It's the second dozen pages, after all.

Only, apparently, the author likes his branch the way it is.

coaster >>:

Хотел подвести "крики-визги" под критерий прибыльности. Второй десяток страниц, как никак.

Только, видать, автору нравится его ветка такой, какой она есть.

Let me be a little more specific. I like it or I don't like it...but that's how it was made by respected fellow programmers.

P.S. I don't mean you and 3 or 4 others.

ZEXEL66 писал(а) >>

These aren't punches). A simple afternoon chat after a 100g of Xennessy)

We're drinking Xennessy)) It's a lot of fun. You'd better get over here - http://mydream.ru

We've seen such cool businessmen on daddy's money, hitting the ceiling in their business and finding nothing more interesting than drinking and brainwashing everyone around them about how cool they are. Proud of the fact that they do not do anything themselves, but hire, but it must be noted - your employees are extremely poorly qualified (if they exist at all), is not it? Your programmer is not able to write an Expert Advisor in mql4. What do you pay him a salary for? Or the salary is so high that you will not find another one, and he does not have to worry about it? I am very curious, who do you hire to build your house and who do you hire to fix your (plural) cars? The homeless people from the next street to pay them back with a glass of moonshine? You've seen some of these hard-asses.

ZEXEL66 >>:

...но она такая какой ее сделали уважаемые товарищи-программисты.


"... And we dream not of the murmur of the cosmodrome, not of that icy blue..."

coaster >>:


"... и снится нам не рокот космодрома, не эта ледяная синева..."

I'm afraid to ask...what are you talking about)

Integer >>:

Мы пьем Хенеси)) Радости полные штаны. Вам скорее сюда надо - http://mydream.ru

Видали мы таких крутых бизнесменов, на папиных деньгах, упершихся в потолок в своем бизнесе, и не находящих более интересно занятия как запои и раскатывание всем окружающим мозгов на тему как они круты. Гордящиесе тем, что сами ничего не делают, а нанимают, но следует заметить - ваши работники крайне низко квалифицированы (если они вообще существуют), неправдали? Ваш программист не в состоянии написать советника на mql4. За что вы ему зарплату платите? Или зарплата такая, что другого не найдете, а тому и париться не стоит? Очень интересно, кого вы нанимали на постройку дома, кого вы нанимаете на ремонт своих (во множественном числе) автомобилей? Бомжей с соседней улицы, чтобы расчитаться с ними стаканом самогонки? Видали таких крутых.


Interested in systems that give a small but proven profit on a large number of trades.

I need a programmer-practitioner. Trading on the real and looking for a profitable TS for yourself, not for obsazhivaya

on the forums. Cooperation on the principle of my patterns, your work on the writing expert. Write in a personal note.

Why do you need it?

The algorithm is as follows.

1. Read the forum (posts by Yury, Mathematician and Kim). Look at the approach to the issue.

2. Using their experience, develop an EA.

Evaluate the probability of loss.

Evaluate the minimum required opening balance.

5. If you don't have enough money, you either increase the risk of loss and proceed to step 6, or to step 1.

6. Start the Expert Advisor on real money.

p.s. Most importantly, do not use the optimizer is self-deception.

By the way, I did so. I have not got the Grail, but a stable profits in the plus.

vlexa писал(а) >>

1. Read the forum (posts by Jura, Mathematician and Kim). Looking at the approach to the question.


By the way I did so. I got not a grail, but a stable profitable profit.

Please read my profit and drawdown percentage.

Richie писал(а) >>

Please read the percentage of profit and drawdown.

Well if in the tester, at 10% drawdown 100% per annum is on the EURCAD pair.

If in practice, since I've only been running since the 4th, 5% has done.

Just to talk about drawdowns etc. will be possible only after half a year of work with real money.