The concept: "Good Counsellor" - page 2

Richie писал(а) >> Right now I'm just trying to make a list of principles on which a good system should be based.

All these principles are unlikely to help you in writing a profitable Expert Advisor. It's better to spend your energy to find and make a list of regularities, which are present in Forex, and check their workability (in the sense of profitability) both on history and in the future......


Richie писал(а) >> может я ошибаюсь, но на мой взгляд выход по SL - это крайняя мера, признание своей ошибки.

It seems to me that it is better to keep the number of such errors to a minimum.

The first sentence is wrong in principle, and the second is quite reasonable.

I'm extremely sceptical of tester/demo reports in which the number of losing trades is zero. This means that either the report is unrepresentative (say, in a pips system with a 0.05 loss probability and a total number of trades up to 50, there may not be a single loss trade), or the system allows for catastrophic overlapping of losses.

An SL exit is not an admission of error, but a working point that is not yet a system collapse. You are working with an almost perfect random process and your ability to predict it is extremely limited.


A profitable EA is one that is built into mt4 and is called a masd.

a loser is the one that lives in the mind of a man who's been investing for 2 years


Mathemat >>: ....Вы работаете с почти совершенным случайным процессом, и Ваша способность прогнозировать его крайне ограниченна

I've always wondered, is there any way to check a sequence of numbers for randomness?

LeoV писал(а) >>

All these principles are unlikely to help you in writing a profitable Expert Advisor. Better to spend your energy on finding and compiling a list of patterns that are present in forex, and check their workability (in terms of profitability) both on the history and in the future......

I agree. I've been looking for patterns and checking them for a long time now. But in terms of money it is of little use now.

I have not found a little. It means that I have not found enough. Let's keep looking.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

You are working with an almost perfect random process, and your ability to predict it is extremely limited.

An almost perfect random process. Well said. It really is perfect, because there's a whole lot of people who can't figure out

its perfection. Its randomness, on the other hand, is pessimistic. I sometimes think it's better to test a strategy on a random number generator

of numbers.

baltik писал(а) >>

A profitable EA is one that is built into mt4 and is called a masd.

a loser is the one that lives in the mind of a man who's been investing for 2 years


baltik, if only it were that simple. I do not believe in grails. But I do believe in a system that can stably make 15-20% per month.

MASD is a good thing, but I hardly believe in building a good system solely on its basis. What matters here is not the indicator itself

It's not the indicator itself that matters but the principle on which it's based.

Richie >>:

baltik, если бы было всё так просто. В грааль я не верю. Но, в систему способную стабильно делать 15-20% в месяц верю.

МАСД - хорошая штука, но в построении только на его основе хорошей системы верю с большим трудом. Тут важен не сам

индикатор а принцип на котором он основан.

For you, the grail is $1m from a hundred quid a week I guess? :-D

Richie >>:

Mathemat, может я ошибаюсь, но на мой взгляд выход по SL - это крайняя мера, признание своей ошибки.

Мне кажется, что лучше число таких ошибок свести к минимуму.

No one forbids the setting of "far" stops. This would be tantamount to the absence of those for the TS, and you can avoid a visit to Uncle Kolya. If the TS provides for closing a position / closing on the opposite signal at a drawdown of not more than 1%, put a stop, say at 5% drawdown. This will mean no stops for the TS.

And statements about an almost perfect random process called FOREX seem very strange, especially coming from so many respected people. That would imply a random 'behaviour' of countries' economies.

thestalker wrote (a) >>
I've always wondered, is there any way to check the sequence of numbers for randomness?

Randomness tests do exist. However, what they (the tests) will say about the fact that if the GSH (0 and 1) will bang "War and Peace" in morse code, I can't even imagine.


Yes, it would be interesting to turn the story file into an MP3 or AVI file. Maybe a great piece of work would come out on

some period of history. Hasn't anyone tried it? :)

About SL. I think there are two ways to apply it. The first is as a last resort, as I wrote above. The second is what the esteemed Mathemat

as Mathemat wrote. And with chance here everything is not so unambiguous. If there were no randomness, everything would be much easier.