All those who work a lot at the computer or who need their eyesight restored! - page 8


when I saw the sun in all its glory and the amount of depth in the picture after the palm tree, I was just stunned...

I was also blown away, only by how my head hurt after those pictures. you can't watch that on a monitor screen, it's probably better on paper.
Amazing illusions. Haven't seen it with colour yet.

there's also a camel... on the back of the pyramid...

I was gripped by a terrible fear... Anybody see a camel? ...? ... Anybody... !!! ?
I was gripped by a terrible fear... Anybody see a camel? ...? ... Anybody... !!! ?
A camel is not a gopher. Especially a female.
I don't mean the smells...
I don't mean the smells...
Man, does that picture smell, too?
How do you know it is a "female"? What special visual clues...? ?
How do you know it is a "female"? What special visual clues...? ?
Well, how do you explain it... A male is usually... how shall I put it gently.... it's hard to confuse.
Um... "as is"... "the male usually"... - almost always "softer" .... if you take the male's lifetime, it's hardly one percent of his lifetime... I still don't understand why you started specifying "male" or "female"... "Two humps" - see? Abstract away from the "third hump", please.
I see a camel, but for some reason my picture is concave.