All those who work a lot at the computer or who need their eyesight restored! - page 2


The eye is always focused on a point in space, usually an object, a thing, etc. Even when we "defocus" our eyes, nothing changes, the point of focus simply becomes detached from the object, but it is there nonetheless. After some practice, I have learned to focus my gaze on an arbitrary point in space. If you have a bit of imagination, you can use this simple skill to draw three-dimensional shapes in space with this focal point, which is good for training eyeball muscles and maintaining good vision.

DDFedor >> :

Learn to look at stereo pictures and there will be no visual impairment... I've been behind a computer all my life and my eyesight is one... phew, phew, phew...

Ay, thank you, Uncle Fyodor, you're a big help! First time I've ever seen a stereo picture :-).


I did so: eyes on tip of nose, look at monitor - there you can see 4 pictures.

Then, slowly, we begin to put our eyes back where they should be and out of the two pictures

(right left and left right) you get stereo. And it already makes your eyes stand up on its own.


P.S.: And you have to choose the right distance from the display.


We went to see A Christmas Carol with the kid.

Stereo, with glasses, a thing! Especially the snow in front of the nose.

I recommend

Roger писал(а) >>

A lifetime is how long?

one might consider this question rhetorical...?

jartmailru писал(а) >>

P.S.: And you have to choose the right distance from the display.

it's only at the beginning... important... the distance of your eyes from (to) the display... the better your muscles keep the focus, it won't make any difference... as well as other parameters like "distance between pictures", "angle of view to picture", "angle of tilt of picture", "angle of divergence of pictures"... etc... it won't matter because EVERY eye will perform DIFFERENT commands

DDFedor писал(а) >>

might that question be considered rhetorical...?

It's not. I didn't have any eye problems until I was 45 and I don't think it was the computer that made it worse. I tried Zhdanov and Bates, no luck.

Roger >> :

I don't. I didn't have any problems with my eyesight until I was 45 and I don't think it was the computer that made it worse. I tried Zhdanov and Bates - no luck.

Here's another option.

Roger писал(а) >>

I don't. I didn't have any problems with my eyesight until I was 45 and I don't think it was the computer that made it worse. Tried Zhdanov and Bates, no luck.

Well... I'm a little short of 40... I didn't want to start discussing this particular topic because it affects everyone individually, of course... some people won't know their vision problems until they're 90 and some will lose it at 20... but the chances: of losing your eyesight with and without eye exercises are very different...

do it and don't be afraid of pain in your eyes. it is just a training for your normal muscles... pain means that the muscles still work and can do something...

" Neo - Why do my eyes hurt? Morpheus - Because you've never looked with your eyes."