Spread trading in Meta Trader - page 101

rid >>:

Всем добрый вечер!

У меня индюки вдруг "вразнос" пошли. Сначала не понял, в чем дело.

А потом - увидел, что сервер внаглую стирает котировки за вчерашний день!

По золоту, по некот. валютным фьючам.

Да вот и по скотине, - тож ...

Это только у меня так? или у др. в Б. тож ?


Враг не дремлет ! -

I couldn't believe my eyes when the gold started... that's everybody's...

forex-k >>:

сейчас только две пары фьючей перспективны для покупки спреда

..... и сахарные фьючи


A tricky tandem, however. The entry signals on the indices seem to be quite good.

But I already had to sit through a heavy loss on such signals more than once.

I guess I have to look for and use "fundamental-seasonal" reasons...


Can you tell me the difference between GCG0 and GCJ0 (both gold), SIK0 and SIH0 (both Silver) in B.

which pairs are better to work with?


GCG0, seems to be over now...

The last digit means the year. (2010)

The letter stands for the month of expiry of the contract.

F - January J - April N - July V - October
G - February K - May Q - August X - November
H - March M - June U - September Z - December

Now it is better to trade GCJ0

You'd better look it all up and get into it here, for example (post 1) - https://www.mql5.com/go?link=http://www.procapital.ru/showthread.php?t=2748

Vitya >>:

не подскажите в чем отличие: в Б. GCG0 и GCJ0 (оба gold), SIK0 и SIH0 (оба Silver)

по каким парам лучше работать?

the letters at the end are the expiry dates

choose instruments with expiration dates that are neither too far away nor too close

GCJ0 and SIK0 are optimal at the moment

Thank you

For those who don't sleep. A night's work . - Surprise riddle!

You need to guess which instrument's correlation is shown in the indicators window?

Let me tell you right away - don't look for analogies in the tools of related groups!

I would never have guessed to combine these tools myself if I hadn't accidentally read about it in the Internet.

And the tandem, possibly, will be very promising! -

Suggestions for answers. (I'll check it out.)

Good night everyone!

rid >>:

Для тех, кто не спит. Работа на ночь . - Сюрприз-загадка!

Нужно отгадать, корреляцию каких инструментов отбражает окно индикаторов ?

Сразу скажу, - не ищите аналогии по инструментам родственных групп!

Я сам бы никогда не догадался обьединить эти инстр., если бы не прочитал случайно в инете.

А тандем, возможно получится перспективным! -

Можно предлагать варианты ответов. (Приду проверю)

Всем спок. ночи !

Well ... one of them is copper, that's clear - HGH0, but the other one .... I have no idea.

there's this info at http://stockportal.ru/finmarket/?p=2890 but i don't think it's relevant.

I would have to look at copper and gold, judging by the information on the internet.

So half a candy for me :-) I am not asking for a kiss - I do not know the second instrument... :-)

rid писал(а) >>

For those who don't sleep. A night's work . - Surprise riddle!

You need to guess which instrument's correlation is shown in the indicators window?

Let me tell you right away - don't look for analogies in the tools of related groups!

I would never have guessed to combine these tools myself if I hadn't accidentally read about it in the Internet.

And the tandem, possibly, will be very promising! -

Suggestions for answers. (I'll check it out.)

Good night!

Perhaps mining, metallurgical, energy and transportation stocks?

Some are "all smooth" with ore mining, others with copper consumption.


Largest copper producers in 2008.

(in thousands of tonnes)
1. China - 3755
2. Chile - 3055
3. Japan - 1,555
4. USA - 1321
5. Russia - 912
6. Germany - 670
7. India - 655
8. South Korea - 549
9. Poland - 512
10. Canada - 490