Spread trading in Meta Trader - page 92

Volumes >>:

вот на разных биржах - это как раз то, чем занимаются "дяди" в хедж фондах, думаю это один из наиболее уверенных вариантов работы по теме.

a question to those who have worked in the stock market
Are there any brokers
which offer the possibility of access to different exchanges on the same account?
Or do I have to register with different brokers for this tactic?

rid >>:

См. первый пост на страничке (и след. посты тож, - похоже, именно для этого и введены там тикеры! - для того, чтобы таким образом ловить"лохов" и обирать клиентов дополнительно, на такой вот "эспирации контрактов". Тем более, что инструментов много и 2-3 раза в неделю бывает экспирация какого-ниб. ликвидного инструмента и тут уж спред расширяется "от всей дури", якобы - поставщик котировок так прислал.... ):


All the loud posts were immediately deleted, as it is not proper to post negative things about the number 1 broker in Russia, one should only praise it like in communism.


That's the job of the moderators over there. It's their job to lick ass. They are allowed to participate in local contests for that and they are given prizes for nothing.

Interestingly, the moderators-admins are just moderators of local demo contests and, of course - distribute the cash prizes to participants. Well, then everything is clear.

"(from Zhvanetsky).

At the end of the next contest usually turns out that a leading contest moderator or administrator - just took first place and got 10000 quid in the administration! ( - see prize account) True, they do not know how to trade and almost immediately lose these prizes...

But they often have contests there, all sorts of roulette and so on. So, there is nothing to be afraid of. A new prize will be given.

For diligence - to remove "unnecessary" posts. My friend was banned there for a week because he highlighted a few words in red in his message! It turns out - nizzzzaiaya!!!

It's the moderators' prerogative to write in red there! No kidding! (Jwanetsky rests!)


In fact, all of the above is an exact replica of our domestic and political life in miniature.

Life is life! And there's no getting away from it.

"The Yevsyuks are always on guard!


Brocko's a bit of a murky story.
You can't tell if they're just victims of a "black PR" scam
...or if they're just the victims of "black PR"...

No, this ~OK~ thing really looks suspicious to me.
Looks a lot like "black PR" on the part of the offended cheater
and "benefactor" of all traders in the person of MasterForex


As for your story with spreads, not everything is clear yet
we can safely talk about Broco's dishonesty
Only if this kind of thing does not happen on the stock market in principle.
I personally have not worked with futures on the exchange, so I can't say anything
but it looks like it's not a "kitchen frenzy" at all, but the reality of the futures market


although it's really suspicious
that they are trading CFD's on futures that no longer exist (expired)
whether for the sake of writing it off as illiquidity in case of emergency

(by the way, I don't understand how it's possible
trade a contract for difference on a futures that does not exist)


Food for thought:


The DJ EURO STOXX 50 Index is a STOXX index that is co-owned by Dow Jones & Company. The Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50 index measures the valuation of major European companies by the European financial markets. The index is calculated for the Eurozone, which means that it does not include, for example, UK companies. Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50 is calculated for 50 companies, most of which represent the economies of Germany and France. In addition, the Eurozone blue chip index takes into account the largest-cap stocks of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. An arithmetic capitalisation weighting is applied in the calculation of the DJ EURO STOXX 50. The index is calculated every 30 seconds.


knt-kmrd >>:

вопрос к тем, кто уже работал на бирже
существуют ли такие брокеры,
которые на одном счету предоставляют возможность доступа к разным биржам?
или для такой тактики придется региться у разных брокеров?

Yes, of course. on the world's leading platforms, of course you can.

But everything is adult there - only whole lots, large deposits, so you need at least 10k of deposit to work minimally.

For example, you may use a lot of lots and lots of big deposits.

I have to be specific with contacts - write to me in person.


Has anyone worked with a three-way hedge?

What do you think? Is there any point in digging?

Vitya писал(а) >>

Has anyone worked with a three-way hedge?

What do you think? Is there any point in digging?

Closed triples, etc.? don't waste your time, no money here.


"Information for thought : ZS & ZM

"....The US soybean meal consumption peaks during the winter months. As a result, there is already a drop in demand for spring soybean meal in February, while soybean futures remain more resilient.
As can be seen from the seasonal trend graphs over the past five and fifteen years, there is a sharp widening of the spread from the first of February, which continues until early March. The spread narrows slightly in March, after which the widening trend continues until late April."

ZSH0 & ZMH0, H1