Spread trading in Meta Trader - page 68

Jahspear >>:

К слову, может быть, ввести проверку на флет по кроссу?

The source code is open. So, no one forbids you to introduce checks.

Everything works fine for me without any checks. That is, what needs to be checked and what does not need to be checked is fucked up. And if it works to profit, there's no sense in poking around in the code with various nonsense ideas.

AlexLep писал(а) >>

Shu WHY YOU WERE GONE I WANT TO WORK WITH YOUR NEW SCRIPT, BUT I CANNOT. The script does not want to place orders says

Can't get info on the --- symbol. Stopping work!
>> what to do?

I do not want to change the order - go to the server and do not want to open it. GCG0? just checked - ok... I think the latest version attached.


Reshetov писал(а)

And if it works in profit, there is no point in getting into code with all sorts of nonsense ideas

Uh-huh, so he gets into a situation where the movement is not in his favour. Now the situations he won't survive are understandable. You're understandable too.

Jahspear >>:

Угу, вот он и попал в ситуацию, когда движение не в его пользу. Теперь ситуации, которые он не переживет, понятны. Вы тоже понятны.

Well, yes, I did. Pairs are positively correlated, but this does not mean and no one guarantees that they will never go in different directions. Since we have a buy on one pair and a sell on the other, it may happen that the pair will go down with a buy, and up with a sell.

And now about the panic about this. So, the pair has fallen dramatically and the slump has occurred. So what the hell with it. Pairs are positively correlated as a pattern and therefore:

1. The probability of such an event is small

2) It cannot last long, i.e. even if they split up, they will run together again in time and in harmony.

And if you naively believed that there will never be drawdowns and hoped only to take profits, then you are a fool - as they say. Do not even dream. Drawdowns were, are and will be, albeit rare, but accurate. All who trade on spreads, they easily survived. And you just shit your trousers. Go wash up, you stink. Not even the word "stinks", it stinks straight up.

And don't forget to check your ass in the mirror before you come back to the forum. Make sure it's well washed and doesn't stink in here.

Reshetov писал(а)

Not only are you a boor, but you're just wishful thinking. But that's up to you. I have nothing further to "communicate" with you.

Jahspear писал(а) >>

Not only are you a boor, but you're just wishful thinking. But that's up to you. I have nothing further to "communicate" with you.

Calm down already!

Your point is clear to everybody!

The thread got blown up.

Jahspear >>:

Мало того, что хамло, так еще и выдаетежелаемое за действительное. Впрочем, дело Ваше. Больше мне с Вами "общаться" не к чему.

I told you to wash your eyes with compote and read carefully the post to the counselor on page. 62. It says it in clear Russian about drawdowns.

I'm not wishful thinking, I've posted the open source and a description of it. If some moron didn't deign to read it, he's a fool himself.

Don't blame the mirror when you're wrong.

Rest, boy. There's nothing more to talk about.

Reshetov >>:

Поскольку на одной паре у нас покупка, а на другой продажа, то может случиться, что пара с покупкой пойдет вниз, а с продажей вверх.

You can't be serious. Oh, man... this is a new world.

Reshetov >>

And now about the panic about it. Well, it happened, pairs changed their direction and they lost money. So what the fuck with it. The pairs are positively correlated as a pattern, hence:

1. The probability of such an event is small

2. Such an event cannot last long, i.e. even if they disperse, they will run together again after some time.

Suppose we trade GBPUSD and USDCHF. We trade through the dollar, so the correlation is high. If let's assume the dollar goes up against both the pound and the franc - the correlation between the pairs will tend to -1.

But the pound and the franc are not connected in any way - different currencies from different countries.

Thus, if an important fundamental news about CHF is released, USDCHF may grow by 2% and GBPUSD will not react and will fall by 0.2%.

That will be all, Yurets, they will correlate, but will not meet (in percents)! And you will have a hole in your account!

So your phrase is that :

Everyone who trades spreads, they (drawdowns) sit tight.

You're illiterate and you don't understand what's going on. But you are a very good rascal!

And don't forget to check your ass in the mirror before returning to the forum. Make sure it's well washed and doesn't stink here.

With these words you are not humiliating the man, you are humiliating yourself.


If we even examine highly correlated pairs like EURUSD and USDCHF, we can find moments when the correlation between them drops to 0.5. (more precisely in our case it rises to -0.5). Although, on average it is -0.98.

What to do at such moments? ( - question for the audience).


Guys, I beg you, do not react to Reshetov's posts, the thread has lost all meaning. People who wrote on the subject have stopped.

Let Reshetov write whatever he wants. Just ignore him and let him play with himself or with the market.