Spread trading in Meta Trader - page 2

oranger >> :

As far as I know, when trading on the real, the execution will be done at ticker prices with the postfix "#I" (i.e., you should focus not on the price "sih0", but on "sih0#i"), and the opening will be done by the uptick rule (i.e. the trade will be opened after the tick from the direction you want).

A bit strange quotes. The desire to trade in B. is gradually disappearing.

Thanks for the remark, I just now paid attention to the presence of difference between Bid and Ask in symbols with postfix "#I"

At the beginning of 2009, someone called Oksana was trading pork contracts in B. overnight. Within a month she had raised her deposit from $1,000 to $10,000 or $20,000. The problem was that as far as I understood she managed to move the quotations insignificantly through a third-party brokerage house and in B. she used the obtained fluctuations to her own advantage. Basically, it was an outright criminal act. The company forgave her for the crime and even paid part of the "won" money (though by and large for such things in the casinos they break hands, for example). There arises the logical question: "Do you need it?" Hands of course nobody will break, but how do you think the broker hedges your incomplete lots at night on low-liquid contracts? I personally have my doubts.

"It is the job of hedge specialists to ensure that individual Client positions or aggregate positions are effectively overlapped. Conflicts of interest are potentially possible, but only in a company that does not have specialists capable of doing their job properly. Hedging is considered a profitable line item in Company B, because it is much more profitable to earn with a client than to wait for him to lose his money.

Here is a recent practical example - one of our Clients who had about $10,000 on his account performed 15,000 transactions within a month and finished the month with a substantial profit. The company by hedging this client only on the difference of the commissions earned more than 30 000 $. "


According to Ruslan Smirnov, B is prepared for such situations.

Another interesting topic, for those who want to try CFD-happiness in B.: http://www.procapital.ru/showthread.php?t=22435

C-4 >> :


The logical question arises: "Why do you need it?" Of course, nobody will break your hands, but how do you think the broker hedges your incomplete lots at night on low-liquid contracts? I personally have my doubts.

And the dealer doesn't have to cover all CFD trades at all,

There are many other methods of trading on this type of contracts.

Especially in the case of OC, which of course I've also heard of...

By the way, the main reason for the dispute is that the trades were cancelled* for reasons that have been pulled out of Mal-va's hand.

Let me remind you: CFDs are contracts for price difference. Bought at one price, sold at another, even on the next tick.

Exchange trading is treated like a horse to the car industry, the only thing in common is the vehicle...

*It needs a long explanation, I'm too lazy to write now.

Yes! and most importantly, "but how do you think the broker will hedge your incomplete lots"

it's the dealer's personal problem, how he will do it, but not the client and not at the expense of the client.

Fduch >> :

A bit strange quotes... The desire to trade in B. is slowly disappearing.

Thanks for the remark, I just now noticed the presence of a difference between Bid and Ask in characters with postfix "#I"

So how is it going - will you continue? Try F for a change. There is a wide range of instruments and trades overlap - execution is fast I don't remember only if there is cfd and A. It also makes sense if anything try a large western broker, I think liquidity will be provided - another question with profitability strategy - in general I like the idea with Wednesdays hope you will succeed)

My understanding is that the incomplete lots are hedged with counter bids within the broker. Only the delta is put on the market. As for OC would M. hire a detective agency, equip its employees in America, prepare the case for trial in the Eurozone and pay 100,000 or 200,000 zel. for that? For $10,000 "sucked out of thin air"!!!? No, it's not that simple...
C-4 >> :
As for OC would M. hire a detective agency, equip its staff to America, prepare the case for trial in the Eurozone and pay 100,000 or 200,000 zel. for it? For $10,000 "sucked out of thin air"!!!? No, it's not that simple...

At the institute named after Srbija. They do a lot more than that.


vasya_vasya >> :

What does this have to do with the courts? In what place is there a violation of the law?

From what I understand, she is credited with manipulating quotes "overnight on the meat" through some western broker. By moving the quotes, she was able to make a profit in B by trading CFDs on that meat. IMHO, doesn't sound very realistic.

ProfitWork >> :

So how's it going - will you continue? Try F. for a change. (mt4 F.) they have a wide set of tools and trades overlapping - fast execution, i dont remember only if there is a cfd and A. It makes sense also if what try a large western broker, i think the liquidity will be provided - another question with the profitability of the strategy - in general i like the idea of mediums i hope you will succeed)

I'm editing EA now and will try Demo A on Monday.

Strange as it seems. In B. GCZ9 trades almost around the clock (00:00 - 23:15, comex), while in A. it's from 14:20 to 19:30. Yes, and the quotes do not match up quite often. Different stock exchanges, I suppose? Or A. does not tie the quotes of its CFDs to certain futures, and indeed acts as market maker for them...

My desire to deal with CFD is completely gone - no standards, no way to prove anything to anybody + they may take me to court for manipulating quotes during night time for low liquidity.

Fduch писал(а) >>

In general, I have no desire to get involved with SFD - no standards, no way to prove anything to anyone + they can also take me to court for manipulating quotations at night on low-liquids

I do not understand about the court. What does this have to do with your case?

In general, your Expert Advisor is a kind of legal moneymaking with brokerage companies.

What and who is there to prove?

They have all trump cards, they will not let you trade and that's it.