Why is the normal distribution not normal? - page 36

Reshetov >> :

You can't. Expectation is a mathematical term and does not need to be reformed (abstracted).

Well, then let's replace it with "just expectation" :)

Reshetov >> :

Exchange bids are prices in the bid and offer window. That is, exchange prices are bids at a price. There is no guarantee that transactions will take place at those prices.

And it is an agreement on a price that both parties have come to and considered a fair price. But it is not a price, it is an agreement on price. Because the parties can also execute a non-market transaction at non-market prices, for example on the basis of a long-term forward contract or an option of some kind.

In short, the price is what's on the price tag, i.e. supply and demand.

Yes, that's exactly what it is.

and I should have been talking about fair price of the deal.

All I meant to say was that something called fair price (of a deal) only hurts the view of the processes taking place in the market

I think we can replace the term "fair price" for our brother trader with "price expectation". That's all. :)

You and your positive mo pressed buy.

Who did you buy from?

What was his price at that moment?

You do not think that his MO was negative.

We are assuming that you are both trading at roughly the same distance in order not to get sidetracked.

benik >> :

Well, then let's replace it with "just waiting" :)

Have you read Grandpa Krylov's fable called "Quartet"? I strongly suggest that before you use the verb "let's".

For a start at least acquaint yourself with generally accepted terminology, distinguish between: expected and achievable, desirable and available, objective and subjective. And then you will be "giving".

Mischek >> :

I don't want to argue "with a clever look".

I really want to argue the validity of the term.

I don't really care who wrote what in the mql manuals about it.

I really think that any price at which a transaction is fair and there is no need to add this adjective



Once upon a time there was an Uncle Lao Tzatz.
He bowed down before the truth
He believed in the truth, he slept with the truth
He stuck his long nose in it
Lao Tzu was devoted to the truth
Truth without borders
"Through the borders he rode dashingly
♪ On the border at night ♪
♪ The outposts sleep at night ♪
You can sneak in and out
Border guards are silent
Quietly in their dreams they moo
They dream of fate's answers
They dream of wives and cutlets
At this time Lao Tsits
♪ Loves the truth without boundaries ♪
♪ Won't wake up till dawn ♪
We know that, of course.
So it's okay for Tsitsu to ride
Without embarrassment across the border
That's the way the Tsytsu likes it at night
♪ The truth without boundaries ♪
But in the daytime he's got a straight face

benik >> :

Here. Quite valuable observations. Now you too understand that the "fairness" of the price is directly related to the efficiency of the market. :)

( no )

The term 'fair price', if it has any right to exist at all, can be interpreted and somehow explained within the framework of the science which investigates the nature of such a phenomenon as price. That is, within the framework of economics or political economy.

And it makes no sense to break a bone here, on the traders' forum, inventing "out of my head" some home-grown notions.

Suppose you agree on what a "fair price" is and what will you do about it?

Reshetov >> :

Have you read Grandpa Krylov's fable called Quartet? I would strongly advise you, before you use the verb "let's".

To begin with, at least become familiar with generally accepted terminology, understand the differences between: expected and attainable, desirable and available, objective and subjective. And then you will "give a shit".

FYI, Yuri, the term "fair price" is pretty well established in scientific and trading circles. So it's up to you to sort out the terminology. And your sense of humour as well.

Yurixx >> :

The term 'fair price', if it has any right to exist at all, can be interpreted and somehow explained within the framework of the science which investigates the nature of such a phenomenon as price. That is, within the framework of economics or political economy.

And it makes no sense to break a bone here, on the traders' forum, inventing "out of my head" some home-grown notions.

Suppose you agree on what a "fair price" is, what will you do then?


I'm just pissed off with the analysts in the box talking about not fair prices, about undervalued assets, about overbought and oversold.

Everything is worth what it's being bought and sold for.

>> that's it.

Everything else is from the evil one.

benik >> :

And a sense of humour as well.

Here's the thing. Yura's been having a little trouble with it lately. Although... sometimes I think his poorly motivated aggression smells like a kind of humor. It's like he's making fun of you in a special way. But it's a little barracks-y for my taste. :)

benik >> :

For your information, Yuri, the term "fair price" is a well-established term in scientific and trading journals. So you're the one who needs to sort out the terminology. And your sense of humour as well.

Fair price is not a term, but a phrase, as there is no clear definition.

Suppose I put a limit order on some asset for sale. Suppose someone accepted my order. So I have a long position and he has a short position. Suppose the price goes up. I am in profit and my partner is in loss. For me the price is fair, for him it's a clear injustice. And if the price goes down? How can we talk about the fairness as a term when it is a strictly subjective notion and depends only on who and from which side of the deal was opened pose?