Does anyone have a decent advisor for sale? - page 17

PapaYozh писал(а) >>

That is, if car dealerships put up cars for $XXXX and buyers buy them, then the buyers are sure that the value of the cars on display is $YYYYY, with $XXXXX < $YYYYY ?

Where did you get the weed?


The seller thinks he's selling for more than it's worth and the buyer thinks he's buying for less than it's worth and everyone's happy.

Webmaster писал(а) >>

Dear Sir, I have the money, but I am not going to buy anything.

What about the title of the topic?

DC2008 писал(а) >>

What about the title of the topic?

That's right, if someone has a decent advisor, I can help implement it, for a fee, of course. I have a place to sell, I know how to sell. So read not only the title of the topic, but the post itself:)

Don't be shy, Webmaster, show us the site.
Come on, you won't get away with it anyway. I can imagine how much slop is about to be dumped on my head, but I'll take an extra shower. I hope smart people appreciate it.
Webmaster писал(а) >>
I hope smart people will appreciate it.

Appreciated. >> Good luck to you.


You have come to the wrong site.

email me in person

prostojparen >> :

You have come to the wrong site.

message me in private.

Create your own thread, it's more honest.

Webmaster писал(а) >>
All right, well, you're not gonna get away with it anyway. >> I can't imagine how much slop I'm going to take, but it's OK, I'll just take one more shower. I hope smart people will appreciate it.

Appreciated. I take it you have a 6mbps internet connection? I'll refrain from commenting, since you call yourself a Webmaster, guess for yourself. But the painting is undeniably gorgeous.

Webmaster писал(а) >>
Come on, you won't get away with it anyway. >> I can imagine how much slop is about to be dumped on my head, but whatever, I'll take an extra shower. I hope smart people appreciate it.

A good commercial website. US style. They like bright colours and rightly so. Check out the personalities.