Does anyone have a decent advisor for sale? - page 6

Webmaster писал(а) >>

Dear chatterboxes, if you have nowhere to talk, go to the park, to the bench. I raised this topic for serious people who want to really make money from their developments. Of course, I'm not altruistic and will not do it for free, but I will earn my 50% honestly.

So finally give me a link to your well-known site!

Swetten >> :

I'm sorry to waste my time on something like this... Ahem. That sort of thing.

Here and imagine that you have the only and nobody unnecessary copy of the book, and I came and say okay, whatever, let's buy it from you, maybe in the future someone will sell it, and you think here's a fool to whom he will sell and sell, and I think that the missus got a cheapskate such a rarity edition grabbed a bargain. And the deal goes through.

But if one of us is informed or dissuaded of our opinions and opinions about the product are equalized whether the deal goes through or not, probably not.

Because why would I buy the book if it's lousy and I can't resell it?

And why would you sell it if it's full of priceless knowledge?

xrust >> :

So give me a link to your well known website !

At least in private to all the chatterboxes, it's not for nothing we keep a thread in the top here.


Initially -- why buy lousy?

And another thing: if you want it badly enough, you'll buy it for the price I tell you. Or someone else will.

Swetten >> :

Initially -- why buy lousy?

And another thing: if you want it badly enough, you'll buy it for the price I tell you. Or someone else will.

Well, they're finally starting to understand, "why buy lousy?"

is that when everybody thinks it's lousy or if you think it's lousy?

You think it's lousy, the other thinks it's great, so there's a trade-off.


Here is a piece of meat. You can tell from it that it's rotten.

Do you have to get a majority opinion? Or will you also taste it? Or will you limit yourself to looking at it from afar?

Swetten писал(а) >>

Initially -- why buy lousy?

And maybe the lousy one has a lot of growth potential :)

Swetten >> :

Here is a piece of meat. You can tell from it that it's rotten.

Do you have to get a majority opinion? Or will you also taste it? Or will you just look at it from a distance?

>> There are some people in the taiga who don't eat meat until it's rotten.

Urain писал(а) >>

There are some people in the taiga who don't eat meat until it's rotten.

Yeah, and they found traces of the ocean on Mars.

paukas писал(а) >>

Or maybe the lousy one has a lot of growth potential :)

It's already called antiques and objets d'art. :)