Need a new CPU ??? - page 5

In connection with the release of MT5 to the masses anticipate new themes like this "Why MT5 lags on 256 MB RAM? Developers, do something about it!!!"
Mathemat >> :

I found here a chronology of AMD processors. From the first table you can see that you, Ruslan, can't find anything with SSE2 for your Socket A (462).

But the Sempron brand was in production since June of 2004, no wonder!

Right. The first Sempron that supported SSE were on Socket 754. So he'd have to change his motherboard, too. But all that, like the Celerons, costs pennies. In addition you can sell your old hardware, at least for some small change...and then you can add quite a bit and buy hardware with CCJ2 support. You don't need to panic on the forum...

Support for operating systems

Nearly all operating systems designed for the Intel® architecture support the Intel® Pentium® 4 processor (although some operating systems must have special versions or require special files to support the processor). The Pentium 4 processor is supported by many Microsoft operating systems such as Windows* 98 SE, Windows NT* 4 (with Service Pack 5), Windows* 2000, Windows* Me, and Windows* XP. The same is true for Linux* versions based on the Linux* 2.4 kernel. However, other vendors' operating systems also support Pentium 4 processors. However, system integrators should ensure that the OS they select supports the Pentium 4 processor. All operating systems which support SSE commands which were first implemented on the Intel® Pentium® III processor also support SSE2 commands which were first implemented on the Intel® Pentium® 4 processor. To take full advantage of SSE2 commands, it is necessary to install drivers and software optimized for these commands. For example, if you have a DirectX*-enabled Microsoft* operating system, you should download DirectX* version 8 (or later) in order to gain maximum system performance.
Software Optimization
Drivers which support SSE2 commands can significantly increase the performance of graphics accelerators, sound processing hardware and software, and other system resources. It is also critical that your operating system uses application programming interfaces (APIs) which utilize SSE2 commands to maximize performance. Examples include Microsoft* DirectX* 8 and later, and Open GL 1.2 and later. The drivers for most major graphics accelerator developers are optimized for SSE2 commands. Graphics card vendors usually support all changes by releasing new drivers. Download and install the latest drivers (released after October 2000) from the supplier's Web site. Additionally, verify that these drivers are optimized for the Intel® Pentium® 4 processor. Many applications also offer SSE2 command support so that you can experience the full power of the Intel® Pentium® 4 processor. System integrators should contact the software vendor to inquire about their version and platform support. PC performance is highly dependent on the operating system and driver installation sequence. For example, for most Microsoft* operating systems the Intel® Chipset Software Installation Utility (latest version) must be installed after the operating system because it contains the required chipset drivers which must be installed before all other drivers. System integrators must ensure that Intel® Pentium® 4 processor-based systems are built and configured in the optimal manner.

Intel и AMD решили отказаться от всех судебных исков друг против друга, включая прекращение тяжбы, связанной с действиями Intel, направленными на укрепление своего монопольного положения на рынке центральных микропроцессоров. В связи с этим решением, корпорация Intel выплатит напрямую AMD сумму в размере $1.25 млрд., а также Intel пообещала соблюдать принципы честной конкурентной борьбы. Более того, компании объявили о кросслицензировании технологий на ближайшие пять лет.


Eh... ;)))) I wish:

Дожить бы до новости "Ангстрем и Микрон пошли на мировое соглашение по патентованию технологии 128 ядерного процессора. Долгая тяжба закончена, надеюсь это скажется позитивно на выпуске LED панелей для школьных записных книжек в Фрязинском конвейере"

A neighbour told me that there are technologies that are now moving AMD and Nvidia paralleling the calculations on the chips of "graphics cards"? Is it possible to optimise or rebuild with the new technology as I understand it computational speed increases not 20 times but 150-200 times faster than with support for SSE2 CPU.
ruslanchik >> :
My neighbour told me that there are technologies that are now driven by AMD and Nvidia parallelization of calculations on the chips of "graphics cards"? Is it possible to optimise or rebuild with the new technology as I understand it computational speed increases not 20 times but 150-200 times faster than with support for SSE2 CPU.


Have not tried search?

Svinozavr >> :

(I'm a junkie!!!)))

Did you try searching?

are you scolding me already??? or am i misunderstanding???

Topic Closed !!!

ruslanchik >> :

Ok, what to do, I'll look for options, now only the CPU is the best way out...

I wish I could find out about support of these technologies on socket A...

I don't think so... you see, socket A is.... like mammoths :)))

ruslanchik >> :

had a Celeron 2.0gtz Northwood (128 cache) mother GIGABYTE 8ir533, ram 256, Hdd 40, video rivatnt2 32Mb, 1 monitor 17' samsung crt

right now AMD sempron 2200+, GIGABYTE 7vt600 prz, ram 1500(400), radeon 9600pro256mb, raid 2x320 seagate baracuda, 2 monitora 15' samsung TFT

it's a sin to laugh... hee hee (kindly) you got cheated your old one was better :)))


Didn't know it was an idiot... >> ))))))))))