A career in stock trading - page 3

Kirilll писал(а) >>

So I'm asking, what was everyone doing then, was everyone quitting?

I did not even try to create profitable Expert Advisors.

Because I realised almost immediately that this was an unpromising business.

This doesn't mean that I don't do any research or create hypotheses .

Is it possible to automate the process of luck in casinos?

I do not believe in luck, so I did not try to set myself such a goal.

Your gain is the market's loss to you. There is no net asset growth in forex like in the stock market, so it's already luck to win back inflation.

Well, if you are lucky, you have to wait for a rough patch.

A man with a technical background should know that playing against infinite capital is doomed to failure.

For Russia, in my opinion forex is a substitute for a casino, judging by the commercials.

Because it is presented exactly as a game, and the beginner supposedly has a chance.

The beginner does have a chance, but the beginner has almost the same chance of winning the lottery.

Did the advertisement say that you can make money with mts? - I don't think so.

But what do these skills give you? First of all you can test all the hypotheses that come to your mind, you can quickly realise what others will be paying for with time and money for a long time to come.

Being able to create an MTS on your own doesn't make you any money or understand the market, but if you're really passionate about it, it makes it a lot easier to develop it further.

Alex5757000 писал(а) >>
You can earn and live rich, but you have to be prepared for the fact that, firstly, the exchange takes all the time and, secondly, sooner or later you will get a margin call. It's inevitable. So think about it, would you be willing to sell many other pleasures of life for the exchange game and the constant anxiety (instability)? I say yes!

Do you get an adrenaline rush from trading? Then you are close to a slot machine. I do not want adrenaline from trading. I would like to make money on the forex market on the basis of competent technical analysis, and to be sure that if I have the right strategy, a margin call is unlikely. And I'm saying that realistically I don't see this working out (at least for me). So I ask if there are people like me, or if I do not understand something. So I ask the online community, how they dealt with this issue. I want to know the opinion of those who work in the Forex market, why they work here? If not, where should I go in order to earn money on forex, if someone is ready to share with me his life experience.

Kirilll >> :

Do you get an adrenaline rush from trading? Then you are close to a slot machine. I do not want adrenaline from trading. I would like to make money on the forex market on the basis of competent technical analysis, and to be sure that if I have the right strategy, a margin call is unlikely. And I'm saying that realistically I don't see this working out (at least for me). So I ask if there are others like me, or if I do not understand something. So I ask the online community, how they solved this problem. I want to know the opinion of those who work in the Forex market, why they work here? Is it only for the probability? If not, then where should I go in order to live on earnings from forex, if someone is ready to share with me his life experience.

Life experience is a thing that, as they say, you cannot unlearn. It is impossible to share. Really.

Step on a rake, you get a bump. The bump will pass. The experience remains. :)

Without a rake, there will be no understanding. No matter what they tell you.

vasya_vasya >>

Interesting approach, though.)))

First you define trading as a casino (sort of an axiom, and everyone knows about it), then you successfully prove that MTS does not work in a casino and statistically it is impossible to win. Well, no one is going to argue with that.

And what makes you think that trade = casino, because you're not good at trading?

Well, then say: my successes on Forex are the same as in the slot machines. It happens...

A spoonful of tar from the net: http://beriuk.blogspot.com/2009/07/blog-post_21.html
Kirilll писал(а) >>

I am asking distinguished forum users, have they faced such questions, have they reached the wall of futility in the process of creating TS, how did they come out of them or did they really decide to abandon them all? It's horror when you create the fifth Expert Advisor on the clock, optimize it for a year, rejoice at the profitability of nearly 2, and everything goes to 0.8 or even less on the forward. So I asked, who was doing that, did everyone quit?

No, I did not, because initially the prospect was known.

How do you deal with it ? - Just like with childish fantasies.

If you really take forex so seriously, you really need to change this hobby. Maybe for a while, and then when your expectations take realistic shape, you can resume it.


>> Kirilll

Half a year is not a term ... that's how long it took you to get a feel for the subject and start asking questions ...

What college you graduated from does not matter ... as long as you have a head ... forex players either work and can earn, or play and lose ...

In half a year you haven't managed to create a profitable Expert Advisor, and you got so excited ... with this level of emotion you may suffer a heart attack when trading for real ... and the title of a profitable Expert Advisor can only be given to an Expert Advisor who has worked continuously in the field for at least a year ...

If you're not prepared for difficulties, risk, investment of time and effort, and expect a guaranteed prize at the end of the road, as you say, most likely the market will grind you to dust ... and this will be your end of the road ...

forex is a brain ring where 95% are steadily losing, 4% are circling 0 and 1% are earning at varying rates....treating it as a pyramid, casino etc...is wrong...

There are stable profitable EAs and no one is selling them to you not because they don't exist, but because there is no point in selling them to you ...

Kirilll >> :

Quitting is the easiest thing to do. The problem is that a lot (in my opinion of course) has already been done, a lot of time, energy and nerves have been spent. And for what? For the conclusion that I know how to program at grade 11 in high school, and do not believe the ads in the newspaper? I just still somewhere I hope that there is a chance to earn money on the Forex market, but maybe I do not see something and so on. ? Maybe I should just step aside and look there ? I ask these respected forum users, have they had such questions, have they reached the wall of futility in the process of creating a system, how did they get out of it or did they decide to quit it all ? It's horror when you create the fifth Expert Advisor on the clock, optimize it for a year, rejoice at the profitability of nearly 2, and everything goes to 0.8 or even less on the forward. So I ask, who was doing that, did everybody leave?

Cyril are you the one who runs the forex4you branch?
mazepa >> :

Kirill are you the one running the forex4you thread?

My acquaintances are earning, but many are keeping quiet .

I would like to share my experience. I was earning pretty well, but up to a point. In the end, I most often lost deposits. Mostly it's greed that kills me. You start earning, a dollar or another, you think what the hell, you raise lots and again you hit the jackpot. You look and you are happy, gambling, and I increase lots again. I have tried so many times to limit my profits and losses but I failed. But they don't succeed. As a result after one day or two weeks of successful trading I come to the same denominator, 0 deposits. And it happens in a short period of time. In this market one can gray hair in 25 years. I don't think myself so gambling, I've never played in a casino, poker clubs, totalizators, I just played a couple of one-armed bandits (I don't like this system). But the stock exchange is another matter, here you can earn analytical wit, though no matter how to spin it is not predictable, inadequate, as they say fashionably now. He seems to have analyzed it, but the market takes another direction without any reason. Then of course they will find an excuse, but it does not make things better. After a couple of days of scrupulous analysis my brain starts to melt and hang from morning to night, and I usually defragment it with beer in the middle of the week or at weekends. Otherwise there's a good chance of gray hair and a trip to the loony bin, which is for people with a weak psyche like me. That's why lately I come and trade in the market just 5 minutes, usually at the time of release of significant economic news, such as GDP, bank interest rates, etc.. I also look for some EAs and test them, let them trade, but I'd rather go fishing in the meantime, my nerves are better. Now I combine all this with my main job, for which you get paid, with 99% probability. I've learned my lesson. I don't know what to advise you, read, listen, try and draw conclusions. But don't get discouraged, we'll get through it!