

Hi experiened members,

i'm looking for bull bull pattern.. in this previous candle and current candle both are bullish, but current candle engulf previous candle.

I've tried to make it work 
if ((C1>O1)&&(C>O)&&(C>=C1)&&(O>=O1)&& ((C-O)>=(C1-O1))) {
if (Display_BULL_BULL == true) {
ObjectCreate(PatternText[shift], OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[shift1], Low[shift1] - Range*1.5);
ObjectSetText(PatternText[shift], "BULL BULL", 9, "Times New Roman", Yellow);
upArrow[shift1] = Low[shift1] - Range*0.5;
if (shift == 0 && Show_Alert == true) {
pattern="BULL BULL pattern";
setalert = 1;

but it's not showing me what i want ? 



Hi members,

  May  I know, what to do ?


Hi members,

  May  I know, what to do ?

Hi Monty

Two things I can see in your example chart that discount both of those as "BULL BULL" patterns according to your criteria:

  1. C1>O1
  2. O>=O1 

Hi Monty

Two things I can see in your example chart that discount both of those as "BULL BULL" patterns according to your criteria:

  1. C1>O1
  2. O>=O1 

Hi Filter sir,


in this previous candle and current candle both are bullish, but current candle engulf previous candle. OR previous one can be equal.

my main issue is, it's not showing me on chart correctly, it's showing bullish engulfing perfectly, difference between my pattern and bullish engulfing is only that in bullish engulfing previous candle is red which is bearish and in my it's bullish candles. I tried many times , but it's not showing me, I tried to modify it in patterrecoginition.mq4 file.  
