Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 376


Fuck, kids are sick as advertising. No shame in it?


Niroba RESPECT!!!

2 goldtrader money cannot be transferred in one day, it says 10-14 days on their website


I haven't been on the forum for a while and nothing has changed here. Everything is the same as before, i.e. nothing interesting. The main event is that someone more dexterous has sold our Neurobe a pipsator.

The unlikely variant mentioned last week with a continuation of the EUR correction is now becoming the main variant, and the main variant is currently in the background, but until it is cancelled completely it is worth keeping an eye on it. Thus, it is very likely that the new wave of the eu fall is postponed for 2-3 weeks.
It is more likely that the euro will start Monday with some slight risings, but towards the European session it will start going down as a final correction-couple wave.
The above assumptions are more clearly seen on the M15 TF. Plot 1 consists of a complex triple, while plot 2 shows a pierce of support - so a continuation of strong growth from the current levels is practically ruled out. Also growth will be unlikely until line 3 is broken through.
Approximately on Wednesday-Thursday the continuation of the fall, the beginning of which I expect at the beginning of the European session on Monday, will be decided. The most probable levels for the end of the wave c*ofB (green) are in the range of 1,20-1,21.
Pound H4:
Pound H1:
After the last momentum the pound is likely to move to the range 4750-4800. And already by the structure of its fall it will be seen what its probability of the further decrease is.

I haven't been on the forum for a while and nothing has changed here. Everything is the same as before, i.e. nothing interesting. The main event is that someone more dexterous has sold our Neurobe a pipsator.

You guys are changing nicknames a lot. Moderators always ban you for bad behavior or are you ashamed to use your own nickname? ;)


You've been changing your nicknames a lot. Do the moderators always ban you for bad behaviour?! Or are you ashamed to appear under your own nickname? ;)

Relax boy, it's been a nickname since 2006

to Mischek

Спокойно мальчик, этот ник с 2006 года

Ahh, youth, ah, ah :o)


You change your nicknames a lot. Do the moderators always ban you for bad behavior? Or are you too ashamed to use your own nickname? ;)

What are you doing? You made 300 $, or rather, temporarily returned from the market, and now do not recognize the old "friends"? :о))) Ah-ah-ah, you wanted to ask me in bold blue where I disappeared to? Business, and it should be noted, have long since stopped saving the morons who choose to entrust you with their money. Indefatigable, though, why am I surprised. Apparently it's a lucrative business to mess with people's heads.

By the way, you should gradually increase the size of the font. It's too small, not at all bold, and it doesn't match your scale. And you can also introduce variable colouring of letters in different colours. All this together will make you look solid and stand out against the gray background.

Well, never mind, I will not interfere with the "method", I see that so far, the purchase is satisfied and people will blow the brains out for a few months yet.


this nickname is from 2006.

And how many of these nicknames have you had since 2006? :)


and now you don't recognize your old "friends"? :о)))

How many of you have been and still will be avowed friends :o))))))

s.s. note that I'm writing in grey font just for you. ;-)

Alex, where is the phiba? In the credit system?


Slowly but surely we're moving away from markup (forecasts) on small TFs...

There will be a daily markup on m15-n1 ????????????

Answers like - small TFs rule, etc... don't do it... you know why... markup in the studio please....