Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 331

Scatina Bot?

Bitch eur (market)

Bitch Evra.
Is that a trader's name? :)
By the way, may I ask how much profit is in the account now according to your balance sheet maths?
Scatty Bot?

Why so?
It's not evening yet, we'll see. ))


There is no such thing as a dead-end situation, it is always possible to positively solve any problem,

All it takes is the will, and MOST IMPORTANTLY enough knowledge. ))

)s. Trading is not just a matter of stupidly opening in one direction and waiting to win! ))

Well, that's it, public auto-training is on.
By the way let me ask you how much profit is in the account now according to your balance sheet maths?
Yeah, I've seen that. I'm interested in the author's opinion. :)
Yeah, I've seen that. I'm interested in the author's opinion. :)
А! Nice pictures? :)

Eh... I have a sneaky thought, but I'm not going to say it yet.

I have a hunch, Niroba, that you won't be able to handle the situation.


There is no such thing as a dead-end situation, it is always possible to positively solve any problem,

All it takes is the will, and MOST IMPORTANTLY enough knowledge. ))

)s. Trading is not just a matter of stupidly opening in one direction and waiting to win! ))

Or are you preparing a speech for PAM investors and running it here?