Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 217

E_mc2 писал(а) >>

Are you a clown in life or just here? I'm asking you specifically about your gold forecast. Answer me, please. You say that you trade on your forecasts, so your gold forecasts would sink more than one depot... And you keep trying to hide it... You will tell the losers your bullshit buyers, if they are found. I'm asking you, how did you trade on your gold forecast? How's your investor fund still waiting on gold 642? Should I be jealous? Are you down or out? Give me a straight answer on your gold forecast.
Calm down, take some valerian. Breathe deep and your life will get back to normal. Everything's gonna be ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.)
NYROBA писал(а) >>

It's not worth arguing with morons. :)))))))))))

I think it's pointless, too... ;о)))))))))))))

Who's arguing with you?

P.S. The word moron is spelled with an " e" because it comes from the word moron.


And the clown's still trying to get out of it. He knows it stinks, and he's like a frying pan. Are you stupid? The question is, how did you or your investor fund do on your gold forecast? And you're still trying to avoid the conversation. Looking at the forecast and the gold charts, you need to take something stronger than valerian. Repit... how'd you do on your gold forecast? Is take profit still at 642? Or did you lose it?
LeoV писал(а) >>

There aren't any of those open orders. All of them are closed.

So I'm telling you I already fixed the profits on these trades, and sold even higher. ;)

If you look closely at the account history, there's a few dozen trades, and

only a couple of dozen trades, all the rest are in the black. :)

Do not worry, the Euro pound also closed with a profit at 0.77. :)

E_mc2 писал(а) >>

And the clown's still trying to get out of it. He knows it stinks, and he's like a frying pan... Are you stupid? The question is, how did you or your investor fund do on your gold forecast? And you're still trying to avoid the conversation. Looking at the forecast and the gold charts, you need to take something stronger than valerian. Repit... how'd you do on your gold forecast? Is Take Profit still at 642?

What are you so worried about?

You're not going to get it, are you? ;-)

ULAD писал(а) >>

))))))))) .... I have to go and change my panties again: ))))))

Get yourself some nappies, you're always running, so life will pass you by :)

Of course I'm not losing, I didn't buy your bullshit signals, I didn't go into a gold sit with a take at 642 as Govonanalitic nirobka advised. In the meantime, those suckers who listened to your bullshit analyst nirobka and tried to buy gold have long since vanished. If you trade by your own signals, you are lost. You have your forecast, you said that the fund trades on your signals. The question is as easy as it gets, how has your fund traded on your forecasts, in particular on your forecast for gold? And you, clown, are not making things up, tell me how you traded gold?

Новый прогноз от ниробы Доллар на следующей неделе будет 1.4450..!!!!!!!!!!!!


NYROBA писал(а) >>

I'm telling you I've already taken profits on these trades,

So 1.34 hasn't happened yet....

NYROBA wrote >> and sold even higher. ;)

I haven't seen or read such a prediction.

That's why I'm writing that you're trading on your system, not the forecasts you write.

NYROBA wrote(a) >> If you looked closely at your account history
Unfortunately, I did not look as I had no desire and no time. I was interested in the relevance and profitability of the forecasts. It turned out to be very low. That's basically all I was interested in.....
LeoV писал(а) >>

I was interested in the relevance and profitability of the forecasts.

It turned out to be very low. That's basically all I was interested in.....

If you have a very low profit of $12,000, what can I say, sorry, trade on your system. :)