Classical thechanalysis doesn't work any more. What works, maybe quantum? - page 11

DC2008 >> :


Judging by the lapidary, you have no intention of revealing the secret? If so, why were these pictures brought up? - >> it would be like a Friday night rubbish thread and it would be clear to everybody what they're talking about.

If it's not prices and ticks, then it's strange, as there is simply no other regular data in mt.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Ilya, thank you for the link to forum, it is very interesting. I am a complete zero in electrodynamics (apart from trying to sell frequency converters for induction motors), but I see that inquisitive people are still around in Russia.

But the quality of SM translations is very poor, it is hard to understand anything. Still, it's easier to read the original :)

the author wrote that all his metaphorical allusions and hints are gold

gold doesn't rust even from machine translation

it was enough for me to read once to solve the puzzle

no matter how hard he tried to filter the chatter, he did leak the technology.)

intimidation by the feds to put him in jail and corporate threats to take away his pension didn't help.

HideYourRichess писал(а) >>

Judging by the lapidary, you have no intention of revealing the secret? If this is the case, why were these pictures shown? - If they are not prices and tics, it is strange, because there are no other regular data.

If it is not prices and ticks, it is strange, because there is no other regular data in MT.

Of course not. For example signals to trade on some system, they are quite regular.

And the branch, personally, has helped me a lot. I was hooked on the topic of rhythm dynamics of vibrational flows. Learned about John Worrell Keeley (1827-1898) and his experiments.

DC2008 >> :

Why not? For example, the signals to trade on some system, they are quite regular.

And the branch, personally, helped me a lot. I got hooked on the subject of rhythm dynamics of vibrational currents. I learned about John Worrell Keely (1827-1898) and his experiments.

Actually, the question was, what data do you use? what did you get that drawing from? didn't you draw it on your knees?

Such smart guys, who draw charts and stats out of thin air, have been seen here more than once, so our caution is justified.

HideYourRichess писал(а) >>

Actually, the question was, what data are you using? How did you get that figure? Did you draw it on your knees?

Such smart guys who draw charts and statements out of thin air have been seen here more than once, so our caution is justified.

I will not explain or prove anything to you. Everything is clear to you. And when you have your own thoughts, I will be happy to discuss and support them.

The purpose of this thread is to predict the further development of the theory of market and time series analysis. To participate directly in the development of market theory.


To summarise in an intermediate way - What directions in time series research have emerged and what are outlined:

  1. Neural Networks
  2. Quantum analysis
  3. Rhythm Dynamics


If anyone is interested in rhythmodynamics, see here

AlexEro >>:
Если человек во всеуслышание гордится тем,
что сыграл полет Шмеля быстрее всех,
он этим
расписывается в следующем:

1) Он счел нужным потратить туеву хучу времени на
"репетиции" этого подвига, вместо того чтобы
работать над художественными аспектами
своего исполнения.

2) Значит, он делает ставку на тех "слушателей",
которым упоминание о Зинчуке с Гиннессом в СМИ
важнее, чем художественная ценность его творчества.

3) Значит, сам "взыскательный художник" не питает
относительно этой художественной ценности никаких

Вообще же музыкант, который не может конвертировать
свою совершенную технику в художественные достижения,
и, за отсутствием лучшего применения, демонстрирует
эту технику as is, в форме цирковых номеров, называется

А Ингви Мальмстин, вместо того чтобы тренировать шмеля,
получил в солидном возрасте академическое музыкальное
образование, и написал концерт для электрогитары с оркестром.
И техника из самоцели и циркачества превратилась в средство

для исполнения этой "ничилавечискай" музыки.

Я вижу здесь аналогию с построением заводных МТС-Буратино папами Карлами.

I didn't sign anything, don't give me that shit. Malmsteen has a lot of fragments with more than 28 notes per second, you think it's music, me too. I'm not talking about the techniques by which the whole thing is extracted. This is a normal reaction of a man who saw a guitar twice in his life on pictures.

basile >> :

just so you don't throw around phrases, specify what is the basic process for YOU!!!!! and then how do you trade? on fundamentals? )))))))))))))))))))))))))) now it's even ridiculous)))))))))))) or are you just observing????

First of all, not for you, but for everyone.

DC2008 писал(а) >>

Our weakness is disunity and hostility towards one another.

Our strength is the persistent pursuit of victory.

For all those who agree that classical thechanalysis no longer works in today's market, I propose to discuss ways of developing time series analysis and forecasting. Perhaps together we can advance market theory to a new qualitative level.

Actually, thechanalysis has worked, is working and will continue working as long as the market exists. The classical one as well. You just need to know how to use it. And the forecasting, in the common sense of analysts, has never worked, does not work and is not going to work... So, this subject cannot be developed either single-handedly or jointly... Time patterns (or series) work, yes, but also within the framework of ordinary RIGHT NOW analysis.

Of course, just my humble...

DC2008 >> :

I will not explain and prove anything to you personally.

>> Yes, you don't have to explain anything. Never to anyone. It's all unnecessary. Much more sensible, with the skill of a village agitator, to start the subject with a manifesto. Good riddance, dear comrade!

DC2008 >> :

You've got it all figured out. And when you have your own thoughts, I will be happy to discuss and support them.

Well why, it's understandable. I have pointed out to you twice what is unclear and why it is unclear. You are ignoring the clarifying questions.

The simplest thing, about the source of the data, leaves you stumped. That's strange. And you don't want to dispel your suspicions.

DC2008 >> :

The purpose of this thread is to predict the further development of market theory and time series analysis. To participate directly in the development of market theory.


To summarise in an intermediate way - What directions in time series research have emerged and what are outlined:

  1. Neural Networks
  2. Quantum analysis
  3. Rhythm Dynamics


If someone is interested in rhythmodynamics, look here

Judging by the way this branch develops, it will go far! And the subtotal is impressive. I understand you dragged it, this summary, over here from somewhere. It didn't even start here, the bottom line.

And the goal is blissful, yes. Developing a market theory is sound. By the way, have you tried using the search engine? Here on the forum. Not to mention the little-known google search engine.

basile >> :

Yes indeed-if someone harbors the illusion of finding a 100%-software without losing trades, the poor guy will never trade for real (will search and will not find it, will be disappointed and throw the idea out of his mind) !!!!!-everybody who has worked on TS obvious: to find a 100%-software without losing trades - is a Utopia !!!!

I have no losing trades, all profitable ones.