Hybrid neural networks. - page 8

gumgum >> :


Who implemented the Takagi-Sugeno-Kanga Fuzzy Networks?

Let me read something. :) Maybe it's not so bad. :)
IlyaA >> :
There is to me that we have begun to philosophise...

I was not stating a philosophy, but a concept according to which my research is conducted, and sharing real experience, as suggested by the topicstarter.

IlyaA wrote >>
.... and I suggest we end the discussion on this issue with a "we're left to our own devices".

That's fine with me.

IlyaA wrote(a) >>
>> Is it probability that descendants come back to places of their parents?

Would depend on what and what type of other genetic operators are used besides mutation

rip wrote >>

I only use GA to get a new network topology. On average RProp shows reaching a local minimum in 100-200 epochs.

After that, the most prolific individuals are found and a new population is formed. Mutation. RProp.

It is interesting to know what is the total number of fitness function starts?

gumgum >> :


Who implemented the Takagi-Sugeno-Kanga Fuzzy Networks?

I have an implementation, but so far have settled on GA


276 page

I think everyone here is obsessed with GA......
dentraf писал(а) >>

I have an implementation, but so far have settled on GA

Try it without GA.

gumgum >> :
I think everyone here is obsessed with GA......

Because they HAVE to!
gumgum >> :

Try without GA.

Without GA it is not good, the forecast is max 30 bars ahead and the quality is not constant. That's why I want to try GA.

IlyaA >> :
Because they HAVE to!

Well said. Short. It's true I don't have a GA.

Several people have spoken with their algorithms, of course they are all implemented differently.

Here is a suggestion. Try to use the function I suggested on the 2nd page as a fitness function. How many runs of the fitness function before the algorithm stops? Everyone will take a look and decide for themselves what they are aiming for. I got an achievement on the 60th epoch, total epochs is 160, 200 individuals in population, total number of starts of FF function is 160*200=32000


I'm thinking, what if n is reduced with each run?