Wave analysis - page 38

sak120 >> :

It's the same everywhere - a wave of a certain ZigZag ray.

:) Even so!

Elliott wave and ZigZag beam, can sometimes coincide. For example, a ZigZag breaking a pulse into three subwaves (or 10) can absolutely show some subwaves. And bullshit that he has broken the entire structure of one level, he has also managed to mix in waves of different levels.

As I understand you are applying your own wave theory, so you should not get into the essence of my arguments as they are built on Elliot's theory.

grasn >> :

I would be happy to expand the list by adding another

>> Thank you very much.


>> try to write intelligently.

. If it helps you, dear one.

I don't like calf tenderness.

own the ancient knowledge and delight the world with new lines.

I will do my best! >> I promise.

I don't like it when people talk for nothing.

storm >> :

Thank you very much.

Try to write intelligently.

I don't like calf tenderness.

I'll do my best! I promise.

I don't like it when people talk for nothing.


Try to write intelligently.

the word "Primnoe" is spelled a little differently.

I don't like it when people talk for nothing.


grasn >> :

The word "Primnoe" is spelt slightly differently.

Well, I'm not a boyar, I'm allowed, but you... you can't lose face.


After you!

storm >> :

What is the argument about? Waves and cycles is a myth that the earth is round, all propagators of this delusion should be immediately put to death, because we are the guardians of the true faith priests sent by God know that the Earth stands on three whales.

That the ups and downs on the chart have no predictive value whatsoever. Strictly speaking, these rises and falls are not cycles. Cycles are constant and can therefore be predicted with more than 50% accuracy.


Neutron once said that the lifetime of a model in forex tends to the time of identification of this model (approximately).

Indeed, the cycles do exist, there may be 5 or 6 consecutive waves with the same period, they can be found, drawn or even outlined. The problem is that it is difficult to predict that there will be another cycle (which can be predicted) after the found sequence of cycles. I tried to count the probability of n+1 cycles after n cycles, very trivially ran through the history and counted the number of n+1 and n cycles (of course equiperiodic). The process takes too long (up to an hour) + a standard problem - the sample is not representative where cycles are better predicted - in older periods - there is not so much history and the probability sample is not representative. So there you go

forte928 >> :

Take the Dow, oil prices, gold prices and derive the ratio and then look at cyclicality..as long as you are trying to observe prices+progressive inflation no economic cycle you will not see.

Here's the dow gold analysis on D1 posted here:

'GOLD in a couple of weeks >1000 ?'

If anyone throws in annual or monthly data I will analyse them too (hopefully to see waveform cycles).

Choomazik писал(а) >>

Here's the dow gold analysis on D1 posted here:

'GOLD in a couple of weeks >1000 ?

If anyone throws in annual or monthly data I'll analyse them too (hopefully see waveform cycles).

Gold futures are ruled by about 5 banks, silver futures by 2-3 banks, these commodities are illiquid (identical to illiquid stocks), what price will order such and such will be.

P.S. There was a glitch in this system recently, Deutsche Bank got rich in gold and the contracts were presented for delivery and the bank did not have the gold, i.e. the exchange also broke the rules to secure the transactions. The ECB ended up selling its gold :).

sak120 >> :

Gold futures are ruled by about 5 banks, silver futures by 2-3 banks, these goods are illiquid (identical to illiquid stocks), whatever price is ordered is what it will be.

P.S. There was a glitch in this system recently, Deutsche Bank got rich in gold and the contracts were presented for delivery and the bank had no gold, i.e. the exchange also violated the rules on securing transactions. In the end the ECB sold its gold :).

I can't foresee that with my software, only mathematical analysis and time series forecasting...

Choomazik писал(а) >>

I can't foresee that with my software, only mathematical analysis and time series forecasting...

I started by studying the spread between the common stock and prefs of Surgutneftegaz, it is clear what was happening by the shareholders' meeting, mathematically it was not possible to clearly identify the cycle, after that I changed my view on mathematics vs. the market for the first time.