Wave analysis - page 36

grasn >> :

There is a name for it - illusion.

Also, a kind of missionary, selfless spreading of the True Faith.

Kneel, Believe, Repent, and His forgiveness will be yours!

Cult, as it were.

grasn писал(а) >>

I don't even know how to tell you. The search for cycles is a purely formal and rigorous thing, unlike the "wave theory". Colleagues show us just a virtuoso mastery of the technique of finding waves and cycles, they find them everywhere, with the accuracy to any desired sign, and by sight, and I admire them to no end.

In this respect I agree with you. But at least cycles do exist in nature. The seasons are at least, I could count examples for a long time. Yes, they are all formal and do not fit in a strict framework, but one should not deny the fact of their presence.

It is another question that analysts try to add this cyclicality wherever they can without too much effort - I agree with that.

gip писал(а) >>
>> I see. Have you looked at any existing programs for wave analysis?

Today's approach to wave analysis (splitting the ZigZag into patterns and looking for structures on multiple timeframes) has been developed through years of experience, and earlier "wave analysis", started with Elwave, markups from various wave guides, books, etc.

If you read the documentation to Elwave, you will see the principle of the program, from my point of view such mechanization does not fit in any way.

I couldn't find any gold quotes from 1928 can anyone know where to get them?
sak120 >> :

Today's approach to wave analysis (splitting the ZigZag into patterns) has been developed through years of experience, and earlier "wave analysis", started with Elwave, markups by various wave makers, books, etc.

Suffering m-mm suffering you, judging by the suffering, are not going to end. As Sidhartha Gautama, aka Shakyamuni, aka simply the Buddha said: life is suffering.

I thought you were a sectarian, but you are a Buddhist!

Where is the working code of counselor, you enlightened one?

Urain писал(а) >>
I couldn't find any gold quotes since 1928 can anyone know where to get them?

The gold standard was in effect, i.e. currency rates were pegged to gold. At that time, the Americans devalued the dollar to gold twice because of the Great Depression.

You can look it up, for example, in the Bloomberg terminal (whoever has it at work).


Если она пошла не туда-значит она пойдёт туда

I think this is the basic doctrine of the adherents of wave propaganda, which it takes them many years to understand.

Question: does the presence of Elliott waves on a random walk graph mean that the graph is subject to certain cycles and patterns?

It is noteworthy that on SB charts Elliott waves are drawn much more "correctly" and "beautifully" than in real markets (this is not an isolated example). Apparently, the markets have not yet fully studied the books on wave theory, since they cannot draw such beautiful waves as the SF generator.
HideYourRichess >> :

Cult, such as it is.

C-4 wrote >>
If it went the wrong way, then it will go there.
I think this is the basic doctrine of the adherents of the Waveists that it takes them many years to understand.

What is the argument actually about? >>Waves and cycles are a myth that the earth is round, all propagators of this delusion should be immediately executed, because we, the keepers of the true faith, priests sent by God know that the Earth stands on three whales.