not geting any code(text) for registration


Need help for becoming a seller 

In part of registration. I cannot get any code message to me on mobile phone. 

1010101010.PNG  37 kb

Need help for becoming a seller 

In part of registration. I cannot get any code message to me on mobile phone. 


have you tried telegram?

Ahmet Metin Yilmaz #:

have you tried telegram?

I cannot select telegram method. 

Did you have any support team's email. 

very hard to contact them.


You should use the other phone or/and the other mobile provider, or use telegram on the way as the other people are using:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Hello, I am in Vietnam and I cannot receive "Text massage" to activate the seller. Please guide Thank you very much

Sergey Golubev, 2020.10.05 05:40

The only decision I know is the following (copy from the other thread) -


Some people used Telegram installed on computer associated with the phone number, and it worked for them:
Telegram may work instead of sms but you should install telegram on desktop computer and associate it with phone number-

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

How to confirm the phone in the profile, if the SMS does not reach ???

Volha Loyeva , 2019.06.24 11:19

The problem with the Telegram was solved by installing it on a PC. The code did not arrive on the mobile device with Telegram, but came to the PC with Telegram.

use contacts and requests below this page
Ahmet Metin Yilmaz #:
use contacts and requests below this page
There is no contact.
Just only robot chats and no answer with real person.
Sergey Golubev #:

You should use the other phone or/and the other mobile provider, or use telegram on the way as the other people are using:

I try with my pc and other 2 device phone. 
The same thing happen.

Although i install telegram on both pc and phone. There is no option for indentify with telegram. Just only text massage.