EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2291


Guys, let's channel our intellectual resources in the right direction, and leave all this childish show-off (I don't believe your level is that low).

Let's move on to a discussion on the topic, I think a lot of people are interested in this question.

A classy opportunity. My calculations have not failed me so far (ugh, ugh, ugh) :-)

This time the model is complicated, I would like to discuss it with knowledgeable people :-)

Who has any suggestions? (would be cool if you attach a comment to your figure/graphic)

Mademoiselle :)) (a-lie?), a reflick? :))

But not the point - there won't be a point target. Who wants it? Write on what date and they'll tell you the price. :)


Write for which date and they will tell you the price. :)

How does this take news into account?
I will try a small lot with a target of 1.2250. I am open to criticism of such a decision.

And how does that take the news into account?

I wasn't just talking about me, I was talking about others. :)

News? Yes, I usually do.


Thank you for your opinion. The shopping has already been covered too. Here are my estimates. Level 2 and 3 seem equally likely so far.

I think you are too early to close the bai, correction is going on and I think there is still some way to go till the end of the year

The correction is really unique...I have it like this, Bai has closed all his.... I'm waiting for the eerie fall to start...

I agree with your drawing, only the blue arrow will end at 50-62% of the rise, after which the uptrend will continue.
I agree with your drawing, only the blue arrow will end at 50-62% of the rise, after which the uptrend will continue.

Roughly it would probably be like this

I think you closed the bai at a bit too early, correction is going on and I think there is still a long way to go till the end of the year

this picture shows the targets more accurately


Now is the tipping point if it goes below 1.2270


Now is the tipping point if it goes below 1.2270

Will do.....