EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2282


And which turkey do you have that draws Elliott waves?



And which turkey do you have that draws Elliott waves?



And which turkey do you have that draws Elliott waves?



And which turkey do you have that draws Elliott waves?



And which turkey do you have that draws Elliott waves?



And which turkey do you have that draws Elliott waves?

Get out of the loop.


And which turkey do you have that draws Elliott waves?



And which turkey do you have that draws Elliott waves?


Wrong opinion... In recent times, for example, money has gone from the euro to gold (gold has become an asset safe haven at the moment)... when the euro was rising - gold went with it in the same direction...

in general there is no constant correlation... so occasionally....check it simply - display the quotes you are interested in in one window for 10 years (like oscillators you can) and watch... you'll be disappointed...

For example, a week ago, gold moved in the same direction as the euro for half a day... then when the euro collapsed, investors quickly withdrew money from the euro and invested in gold...

something to think about.... If you look at the euro, then on the n4 and d1 models corrective (pullback) and soon we see the fall of the euro again ... or at least a consolidation near the achieved lows

and then we can go up ... all imho of course ...

my opinion is partly wrong

But on the small TF, the gold trend is still inversely related to the value of GBP, i.e., as long as the gold trend does not change, the GBP exchange rate remains flat.

about investors - I have been noticing panic for a long time, investor panic in the form of withdrawal from European currencies and transfer of funds into JPY and USD and as a consequence if possible, transfer of funds into gold