EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2241


My opinion is that now the indices go to the middle (zero), thus determining the bottom.

And then they go back to it or lower. And that's where we should catch the reversal.

Who are they? Probably the Masonic-Jewish community that rules the world?) the invisible hand of the Master, the universal conspiracy theory, etc. etc.

So, let me see, first at zero, then back to zero, then below zero, and then above... You know, the boss may make a great football player: a right dodge, a left dodge, took the ball away...


Bottom line is that any sell is safe and any buy is strenuous, but possible.

For me it is so far.

I don't buy and I wouldn't say buy straps ..... it depends on where you buy .... I have one system, it's contrand. i put it together because only contrand surges are good and fast, i can hit stops .... i don't like to wait long to profit .... think about it at your leisure ...... a simple example with eurobucks..... it has been going up for a year ..... and when the 1.5 level began to creep everybody was whining about the pts dolar .... and what happened in december? the dollar plunged and the yen has been flat to this day ......the pound was worth almost 600 yen ..... and what do we see now??? I always see a long and tedious uptrend in this pair, and the yen dropped by 1300 pips in 5 hours, even on May 6 .....i see a long, tedious uptrend going up in five hours, even in May 6 it dropped 1300 pips on May 6 ... and everyone said it would take a while for the price to go up and down ..... ... i usually try to close positions as soon as possible when i buy against these two currencies ... ...... this is my opinion ..... i expect criticism ....

- It's OK! I'm going down!

(c) "Old Men Fighting".


imho, will go to about 1.19 here, which is about the same amount of fall


- It's OK! I'm going down!

(c) "Old Men Fighting".

I don't know about you, but I would be sincerely pleased with your trading style, if not the first top sell, what were you guided by when you made the sell when all pairs were going to buy? the second sell in a perfect reversal position - praise

Falling towards 1.19...

*To FXlike: page 2230 shows the entry, I think all the arguments are there)


Falling towards 1.19...

*To FXlike: page 2230 shows the entry, I think all the arguments are there)

I do not see any bulls in the market, there is an assumption that they will go up in the next week, but they are already this week.
Taki yes, pre-trend triangle with targets 1.21 or lower

The thing is that I follow you, there are no reversal indicators) they already suggested to go up this week, but instead of buy they are sell.

Sell stands because I work by the market ( current moment) and a reversal was visible at the time the order was opened... (end of an impulse or correction)

* I don't know why I tried to go up, but my indicators don't show such reversal.

Got me banned from the forum by a fiver :)