EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2234

Guys, there's no need to quarrel. Everyone has their own goals and horizons. Both may be right: buy may win in the short term and sell in the long term.
Mathemat >>:
Ребятки, не надо ссориться. У каждого свои цели и свои горизонты. Правыми мугт оказаться оба: в краткосрочном плане может победить бай, а в долгосрочном - селл.
Thank you. I don't want to quarrel with anyone.

I bet on the buy - but that does not mean that I will hold the position for long. Yes and the targets of this buy will be refined as the situation develops.


What are you arguing about anyway? The trend is downwards. To be able to talk about a reversal, the rise must be very serious both in terms of points and time. So far, the question is from where and to where. What volumes. And when there will be a U-turn, then it will be. You cannot outrun the market.

Mathemat >>:

Я поставил на бай - но это не означает, что я буду держать позицию долго. Да и цели этого бая будут уточняться по мере развития ситуации.

And I got less than one four-digit point short of opening the bay. ;)

Monday will clarify a lot.

Mathemat >>:
Ребятки, не надо ссориться. У каждого свои цели и свои горизонты. Правыми могут оказаться оба: в краткосрочном плане может победить бай, а в долгосрочном - селл.
I just stopped guessing the long-term trend and started to enter maximum for a day or two. I got about 60% of depo since that moment I just stopped guessing where the price would go for the long term.

27. After a series of three successful trades, you can consider yourself a guru and go and teach other traders.

Sta2066 >>:

27. После серии из трёх удачных сделок можешь считать себя Гуру и идти учить других трейдеров.

Who plays intraday and who plays long term. Who likes what.
FreeLance >>:

А у меня меньше одного четырехзначного пункта не дотянуло до открытия бая. ;)

I have a similar story with USDCAD. I also had a limit order to buy - and was about 4.5 pips short :) The bastard just missed the previous low and went up.
torgus писал(а) >>
Who plays intraday and who plays long term. Who likes what.

Some play and some work. (с)