EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2124

IgorM >>:

ну отчитываться я не перед кем не собираюсь, а Вам посоветую ... <очень многа букаф пропущена> .. ... .. . ..

кому помог - жду тож помощи

I'm laughing my ass off. You think anyone trades on your advice? You've been trading for a month and you're giving advice to everyone?

You and bocman teach Niroba how to trade :)))

What amuses me most is your advice not to think :) Like I don't think and I don't advise others :)))

gip >>:

Я ухахатался. Ты думаешь по твоим советам кто-то торгует? Сам на форе месяц, советы всем раздаешь и думаешь тебя кто-то слушает?

Иди вон с bocman-ном Ниробу поучи торговать :)))

You stupid moron, look at the charts where the Eurobucks is far from 1.25 ? And who wanted to go against the Yen - with the right entries you could take at least 500 from each pair (5 signs), learn to look at the world, you fool with a long experience!
IgorM >>:
полудурок с большим стажем!
I'm just curious: how does seniority count nowadays - by wordfloods or by yearfloods, and which is more valuable?

The euras are so pinned down at 1.2530 that I get the impression of a possible quick continuation of the banquet with a march to 1.23.

forte928- where are you? waiting for the promised picture.

I join in waiting for a picture forte928
IgorM >>:

глаза разуй - баран ты бестолковый и посмотри на графики, где евробакс далеко до 1.25 ? да и кто хотел против йены брать - при правильных входах можно было уже взять с каждой пары как минимум по 500 (5-ти знак), учись смотреть шире на мир, полудурок с большим стажем!
Ostap was carried away. He felt a rush of new energy and chess ideas.
antoniofx >>:

1. ниже 1,25 пойдем?
2. или это уже дно?

Look at the daily, weekly and monthly charts for full insight... I think the answer is obvious.

The question is whether Sisyphus will be found to catch the trend stone and roll it uphill.

OlegTs писал(а) >>
Ostap was carried away. He felt a rush of new energy and chess ideas.

In general, gip thinks that it's not a flood, I've erased my posts at his request....

What IgorM hasn't got to me yet....

Seniority, experience you are in the gaming business gentlemen here need a little bit of talent too....

IgorM >>:

Mathemat Ваш ответ в теме про Доу! Перечитайте, мои посты про новости

Thanks, Igor, I'll be sure to have a look.

P.S. The eu goal is finally fucking achieved!


1.2506 first correction

1.2406 second major correction and move to .12244