EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2122

Synexs писал(а) >>

We'll see towards the end of the year ;) unlikely to even get to 1.19)

forte928 08.05.2010 20:45 - current forecast was shown

Break of neckline at 3000p downwards.... Now try to argue back...

Yes, Igor speaks in five digits, as I noticed.
VladislavVG >>:

Это от Хай до Лоу пару раз ? :) Сегодняшний диапазон всего порядка 140 пунктов (1.2685 - 1.2543 - на текущий момент) или у Вас свои единицы измерения ?


it's in the 5 digits at 1000 but on pairs against the yen and the quid, against the yen it's faster today, because no one forbids taking anything that went down :)
There's something fucked up going on...

Yes, the final waves of the micro-trend from 1.2683 (net five) are sheer chaos, especially the fifth in the fifth... On the other hand, this very behaviour confirms that the movement in this micro-trend is almost exhausted.

P.S. 2 forte928: The expected second wave of the whole correction (from 1.3093 to 1.2526 (?)) does not look like the first wave in the ongoing trend. So - to be a wave flat (imho)!

OK, out of the goodness of my heart, I'll say it again, the yen is still standing, you can still take it against it
Mathemat писал(а) >>

Yes, the final waves of the micro-trend from 1.2683 (net five) are sheer chaos, especially the fifth in the fifth... On the other hand, this very behaviour confirms that the movement in this micro-trend is almost exhausted.

P.S. 2 forte928: The expected second wave of the whole correction (from 1.3093 to 1.2526 (?)) does not look like the first wave in the ongoing trend. So - to be a wave flat (imho)!

I can't show it right now, but I'll draw a picture in two hours...
Mathemat >>:

Да уж, завершающие волны микротренда с 1.2683 (чистая пятерка) - это сплошной хаос, особенно пятая в пятой... С другой стороны, именно такое поведение и подтверждает, что движение в этом микротренде уже почти выдохлось.

P.S. 2 forte928: Предполагаемая вторая волна всей коррекции (с 1.3093 до 1.2526 (?)) совсем не похожа на первую волну в продолжающемся тренде. Так что - быть волновому флэту (imho)!

Oh, man! Even Matemat got involved!

Alexei, stop throwing imams around, no one's going to charge you anyway. :)

against the yen all salt and salt relentlessly, especially the pound :), but be careful with the euro