EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2121


How panic works on people) Usually, when everyone thinks it's up, it's down and vice versa! My personal opinion is that we are all being very badly diluted by this unclear situation...and it seems strange that everyone is just unanimously against the euro.


Firstly, there is no unanimity.

Secondly, I am not speaking against the euro: for now I believe there will be a second bottom (it is only 70 pips away) and the eu will go for a correction, i.e. up.

I think we should also take a closer look at the Eurochip... Swiss National Bank will probably defend 1.4000
Tantrik писал(а) >>
And I'm not cancelling my prediction the eu has a bottom. could be double and....

Greece default is a matter of time, no loans will save it, then spain and portugal, then the Baltics, the euro is 0.6
FXlike >>:

вопрос дефолта греции вопрос времени, не спасут никакие кредиты, дальше испания и португалия, дальше прибалтика, итого евро 0,6

I know where these super predictions come from

FXlike писал(а) >>

Greece default is a matter of time, no loans will save it, then spain and portugal, then the Baltics, total euro 0,6

We'll see towards the end of the year ;) unlikely to even get to 1.19)

FantasYGold писал(а) >>
Don't go crazy people...there will be no downside. Of course we will go up. Or do you want to dump the euro 1 to 1 with $ in a year? Wrong.

So check all the depo's on the rise and then you'll say it never happened...

The whole trend points to a move down to 1.1950 correction point of the third wave


Now here's the "confusion" or getting ready for a U-turn

OK, good luck to everyone who wanted to, they could have got about 400.0 today

IgorM писал(а) >>

Now here's the "confusion" or getting ready for a U-turn

Ok, good luck to all, who wanted, today they could go near 400.0

More like "unpredictable" ..... Has not fallen below the low at 1.252 and it seems that it will not fall (ehh... the order at 1.253 did not work((((.... but may "go around" again at 1.24 -1.245, and then up

Pound is down))) Stop Losses at 1.475)

IgorM >>:

ну а вот теперь "непонятки" или готовимся на разворот

ладно всем успехов, кто хотел, то мог сегодня около 400.0 взять

Is it from High to Low a couple of times ? :) Today's range is only about 140 pips (1.2685 - 1.2543 - at the moment) or do you have your own units of measurement ?

Good luck.