EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2120

Mathemat писал(а) >>

There is nothing strange about that. The clearest and clearest figure within the second wave of the correction is now developing - the final downward impulse from the starting point of 1.2683.

Imho, the target for the eu is still 1.2526 or thereabouts. I have been waiting for it for a long time - after a not very successful sell. And then bounce up from there. That's imho too.

The most usual form of a corrective wave is a flat (wave): a bit against the main trend (wave A), then back as much (wave B, which is now nearing completion), and finally an impulse wave C, which is usually much longer than the first two, A and B.

It could be otherwise (I am not God), but so far the above scenario seems the most likely.

I apologize if anyone strongly dislikes the Wave Principle. Synexs, you are at least a little bit of a waveologist, aren't you?

Yes, unfortunately, I am just a bit of a wave expert (I am still studying and do not know all the nuances yet).

I`m mostly against the pound, i`m just few positions on euro and with very small lot... that`s why i`m interested in other traders` opinion...


In general the situation is a good contender for a "double bottom" - and yet we have to wait for confirmation.

Itso >>:

Вообще ситуация - хороший претендент на "двойное дно" - и все таки нужно подождать подтверждения.

down! only I don't know how through the candles

It seems to me that it will take a long time to get into all the nuances. First you have to learn to recognise the situation in clear and simple cases - impulses. Even if you are late in entering an impulse, there are still plenty of opportunities within it.

I myself am waiting for a small rush to 1.2632, and then down - but not necessarily immediately to the 1.2526 target :)

Mathemat >>:

Я сам жду небольшого броска к 1.2632, а потом вниз - но не обязательно сразу к цели 1.2526 :)

at least! but we will definitely see 1.2526
Don't go crazy people... there will be no bottom. Of course we will go up. Or do you want to dump the euro 1 to 1 with the $ in a year? Wrong.
but sostratos said 1.2353
FantasYGold >>:
Не сходите с ума люди..никакого низа не будет. Конечно вверх пойдем.
Let's go, let's go, but through 1.2526 :) Imho.
FantasYGold >>:
Не сходите с ума люди..никакого низа не будет. Конечно вверх пойдем. Или вы хотите через год свалить евро 1 к 1 с $? Ошибаетесь.
Not in a year, but by August, and not 1 to 1 but 0.8

The eu is now at 0.8, so it will go to 0.6, then it will probably bottom out in those areas