EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2110

it's going downhill now.
oleniknik >>:

прошу сильно ногами не пинать ... по волнам спец такой же как дуб дерево хвойное ... но просто как вариант для размышления ... завтра утром уже все известно будет ... просто что то в глаз бросилось и более опытный товарищ обратил внимание ... да и линий контроля тута аж четыре в одном жмуте ... а вдруг .. сегодня нормуль получилось заработать можно и подурачиться ... купил немного ... можете назвать меня камикадзе ... если сегодня закроемся выше 2770 то очень даже возможно .... если ниже то плакал мой БАЙ и да здравствует жирный СЕЛЛ... купил от 1.2795 ... стопить буду на 2750 ... а цели (ха - ха ) если вверх то на скрине видно может к концу недели и доберемся

зря вечером купили :-(
как вы думаете, сейчас еще может начаться рост(котировки 1,2715)?

was referring to the rise in the euro

If we go down this yellow line we can forget about buying ... In the meantime there is a possibility ... but weak ...

I had a very small buy to start with ... I'll see if it is still up ... I'll add .... but now the picture is broken ... I don't know if it's going to go up at all... I don't want to sell yet... I'll trade during the day ... ... maybe it will turn into a long rally ...


My opinion is that putting it up is dangerous.

If I were a 'pioneer leader', I would go down.

Going lower is definitely out of the question, for me.


flying down to 1.2590


Dear NEoWave customer,

The hyper-violent decline produced in the U.S. stock markets last week finally ended the most confusing, difficult portion of the 4-6 year bear market that began January 2008. As a result, market predictability and trading opportunities will be on the rise for the next few months (probably the next year or two). That is GREAT news for all NEoWave subscribers since the most "frustrating, difficult, unpredictable" phase of development is now behind us. As a result, we can look forward to more clarity and better trading opportunities the rest of this year.

Glenn Neely
NEoWave, Inc.


Head and shoulders on the M5 and up to 2800... maybe. But still not much down from last week


Hmmm. no way.


any thoughts,

where are we going within a day?

GBPAUD - H1 triangle on the verge of breaking through, I guess down...