EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2090

could of course go down, I really don't know what to lean on, but according to my calculations now or a little later, no more than 20pp will start a two-week correction to 1.3300...
OlegTs >>:
может конечно и вниз, я правда не знаю на что облокотиться, но по моим расчетам сейчас или чуть позже, не более 20пп начнется двухнедельная коррекция до 1.3300...

Of course it will.
It may even start a decent amount of tambourine dancing, just when the bottom has been identified and it starts going back and forth, you can write a little bit.

NikT_58 >>:

Конечно начнется.
Может и танцы с бубном устроить с приличным размахом, только дно определит и начнется туда сюда, тут можно и пописовать не слабо.

some popping and some martingale:))))))

OlegTs >>:

кто попипсовать, а кто и помартингейлить:))))))

The main thing is to have a theme.

NikT_58 писал(а) >>

I haven't had anything knocked out.
We didn't close the momentum down, we can still crawl down for a couple of days, setting up the bottom.

that's pretty much it... we're stuck in the middle of it...
Unemployment is a bit of a shock
forte928 >>:

это в принципе то и так..на середине пути застряли..

The best option. I'm thinking about it myself.

The AmeriCots will get it!
TupoiKachek >>:
Америкоты добъют!

That's right. No one will buy it now for the rest of the day.
And they'll be all over her...

At 1.28760 a cheap pullback and further down to 1.282