EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2089

watch the 2880 level for tomorrow...
yesterday's NZDJPY prediction confirmed
Tip NZDCHF sell, no guarantees of course, but I have settled in...
Next target1.254.....?
The devil knows. We walk by touch.
gip >>:
А черт его знает. Идем на ощупь.

Nah, Jeep, if the Americans don't blow it up today, it's for sure.
We need to go even lower.
Hurry up, or it'll all go to hell.

gip писал(а) >>
The devil knows. We're walking by touch.

The night-vision goggles are totally out of whack...

On the 15 minute head-to-head! Should drop to 1.28800 minimum with minimal bounces up!
NikT_58 писал(а) >>

Nah, Jeep, if the Americans don't blow it up today, it's for sure.
We need to go even lower.
Hurry it up. It's all going to hell in a handbasket.

Instead of 200V, it was 1,000V...what's the worst you could's already burnt out...there's no light...people are sitting...
forte928 >>:

Приборы ночного виденья выбило напрочь...

I haven't had anything knocked out.
We haven't closed the momentum downwards, we can still crawl down for a couple of days, setting up the bottom.

TupoiKachek >>:
На 15 минутке ГОЛОВА-ПЛЕЧИ! Должни минимум до 1.28800 упасть с минимальными скачками вверх!

Yeah, well, maybe so.