EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2053

5drakon писал(а) >>

>> ready for a little surprise.

Surprises are news based speculation is common...
5drakon >>:

готов главное чтоб небыло неожиданности

................. Amid expectation of a fall in the Baby Surprise Index... Oil prices crawled up the wall, passing the ceiling, jumping divergences, slipping away from crossovers and hitting the stop........................................

mixo_lexus >>:

................. На фоне ожидания падения Индекса Детской Неожиданности... Цены на нефть поползли по стенке, минуя потолок, прыгая по дивергенциям, ускальзывая от пересечений и попадая точно в стоп........................................

that's where you'll end up and the childish surprise visit-wise

5drakon >>:

вот туда ты и попадешь и детская неожиданность посетит-умничаешь

Eh ... you don't understand humour %))

I've levelled off - I'll see later - until I can decide where I'm going

As I drew the target for the euro yen on Friday at 127% from the second leg of the Dragon, it came exactly there... I should not have hesitated and traded :(
We took the first Dragon target. May we take the second and the third? The second one is 127.60.

Sorry for being off-topic, who has posted anything on CodeBase, how long do they check for lice there? I've had an EA since Friday with "ready for publication":(((.
OlegTs >>:
Простите, что не по теме, кто выкладывал что нибудь в CodeBase, сколько времени они там проверяют на вшивость? У меня с пятницы советник лежит с "готова к публикации":(((

ah, who cares ... maybe the moderators haven't woken up.)

mixo_lexus >>:

а хз ... может модеры не проснулись )


OlegTs >>:


Allow me to ask for a link to your article.