EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2035

Every time after another low I ask myself the question "is it already or is it too early", and then I bite my elbows that I didn't open in time. Or rather, the question is whether to open long term and with what lot. May the correction take place and we will go down to the next low again. Recently people were discussing if the gap will be closed. Here we have closed it:)
My guess is that the Euro against the basket of currencies is not changing direction globally, next week there should be a rebound, but against the Dollar it is stalling, as the Dollar has not reached the upper bound of its channel.
The pound is interesting, it should follow the euro, as it almost reached the upper boundary of its channel.
OlegTs >>:
по моему предположению евро по отношению к "корзине " валют глобально направление не меняет, на следующей неделе должен быть подъем, а по отношению к доллару - топтание на месте, т.к. доллар к верхней границе своего канала не добрался.
Интересен фунт, по идее он должен последовать за евро, т. к. почти подошел к верхней границе канала.

It follows that for now the eurik will continue to go down... and next week it might go up, right?

T-G >>:

из этого следует что пока еврик продолжит движение вниз.. а уже на следующей недели возможно будет рост, правильно?

against the dollar, not necessarily, as the dollar continues to climb towards the upper end of its channel (green chart)...

against the pound, yes, rising...

T-G >>:
коллеги, в бай уже все таки вставать можно как думаете.. а то не может же так без откатов катиться? или все идет к продолжению дальнейшего снижения?

Yep and I'm thinking of salting with the first target of 1.3000

T-G >>:
коллеги, в бай уже все таки вставать можно как думаете.. а то не может же так без откатов катиться? или все идет к продолжению дальнейшего снижения?

I put 3225


Forte, something about the forecast didn't come true this time. Did you close the bai or did you roll over? For some reason I'm sure the eu will go up too. Have your targets changed?
Somebody is persistently dumping the euro despite the analysis. They don't give a shit.

Wavesmen, speak up!!!
Will anyone confirm my assumption of gbpusd falling by about 500 pips and gbpjpy not even dare to guess where?
Good afternoon everyone. Woke up and put sell up to 3100.

OlegTs If it's not too difficult and not too sorry, could you toss the turkey and its settings?