EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2012

I've been waiting for this move up... I couldn't wait for it on Friday, at least we'll go today or tomorrow. I've already caught a good profit on two pairs. Now we have to wait for the Eurobucks. Then I will be very happy.
According to the ancient Mayan calendar - page 2012 was supposed to be the end of the branch ... the forum does not look like itself ... no more old timers.... Where are you?
People come and go... history. And I will leave this forum at some point.

Uh-huh... We are all mortal... Everything flows, everything changes....

oleniknik писал(а) >>
According to the ancient Mayan calendar - page 2012 was supposed to be the end of the branch ... the forum doesn't look like it's back on ... Lost the old timers.... >> where are you?

We are not missing, we are adapting... to the new conditions - page 2012
oleniknik >>:
по календарю древнего народа майя - на странице 2012 должен был настать конец ветки ... чо то не похож стал форум на себя ... пропали старожилы.... ау вы где?

The entrance has been shown and what else is needed so to gossip like there is no topic and no reason.


NikT_58 писал(а) >>

What's the artwork and what's the question? :)) There is no downward momentum there if you mean waves :)

Funtjen closed the gap recently. Euroyen closed the gap in the evening as well. Waiting for the others. Eur and pound do not want to close yet.
Alexan >>:

Что это за художества и в чем вопрос? :)) Нету там импульса вниз, если ты о волнах :)

Фунтйена закрыл гэп недавно. Ждем остальных.

Thank you.

NikT_58 >>:

The 5th one will be shortened, you have the first level there, I think.