EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1870

Friends ! I suggest we get our man into the FRS with all our strength and brains .... There's nowhere and nowhere without it...
antoniofx >>:
а теперь доллар расти!
особенно против AUD :-)

so what about the ausi ....riunok can you??? if you have any thoughts ...i'm waiting for 93.00

odiseif >>:

так что на счет ауси ....риунок можно??? если есть соображения ...я жду 93,00

No, I don't have a drawing, but there's not much left to 93,
so it's probably

just got into his sales this morning when he started "going down",
I read that Galina and someone else were in sales on it.

antoniofx >>:

нет, рисунка у меня нет, но до 93 осталось мало,
так что скорее всего

просто утром влез в его продажи, когда он начал "снижаться",
читал вроде Галина и еще кто-то по нему в продажах сидят

a bounce at 93.00 could be ...oh I would recommend getting out of the sell-off ..... it will go higher .... for sure

even if it bounces back down, not below 92.50.... but that's my personal opinion
odiseif >>:
если даже отскочит в низ то не ниже 92,50....но,это мое личное мнение

I don't know him at all by the looks of the pattern, he's up and over.
so you can swing as much as you like.

do you think they will just retrace their steps or has the market really turned towards 1.36 ?
I got a surprise from the robot, while I was distracted, it made 17 pending orders at 1.3400, which all triggered a total big lot....
I put them all in W and am waiting like a fool, should I close with a good profit or wait for a super profit, I'm not going to bed, I won't fall asleep...
experience tells me I should close, but if it goes up, I won't forgive myself...;))))))
I_love_Forex >>:
как думаете они просто по стопам пройдуться, или рынок действително развернулся к 1.36 ?

The two main wave analysis experts on this thread have determined that there will be a rise to 1.3450-1.3480, after which the descent will continue...

OlegTs >>:

Два главных спеца по волновому анализу с этой ветки определили, что будет подъем к 1.3450-1.3480, после чего продолжиться спуск...

Thank you - let's hope not higher :)))