EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1849

strangerr >>:

На Д посмотри.

So it's the other day.
bariga >>:

Так это на днях

Then press minus 2 times, you'll see more.

Let's talk about more weeks ???
I have in general a strong rise from next week, or maybe even this week ...
but the eu is still standing !

Also, nowadays, in my opinion, it is silly to try to predict such small intervals.
The market will take its toll anyway.
On the large ones, everything has converged into one point.
I think there will be a breakthrough soon.
And in which direction, I do not know, only guesses.
I understand that due to the holidays, the traffic died down...
There's supposed to be some kind of rush now, but I doubt it...
By the way, who was going to take the Canadian there ???
He's beaten everything down, he's still got room to fall.
Hopefully not bought....
Talk - Galina, repeat mistakes, D!!!
Talk is spelt with an o!!!!!!!

I vseravno neponyatno! Evrik uzhe podskchi! Kuda eshe vyshe? A padat' ne hochet a ya korotkuyu otkryl!
u kogo kakie soobrazheniya
OlegTs >>:
поговарим - Галина, повторяем ошибки, двойка!!!
Гово рить пишется через о!!!!!!!

Always thinking about it :)
But I still write .....
TupoiKachek писал(а) >>
I vseravno neponyatno! Evrik uzhe podskchi! Kuda eshe vyshe? A padat' ne hochet a ya korotkuyu otkryl!

Timian, translate please! Don't you have Russian on your keyboard? Aren't we countrymen by any chance? In sunny Kazakhstan they write it that way, patsandar...
Quit with the transliteration, it's impossible to read :)